
A former dry cleaning site in Jackson, Tennessee has undergone remediation to treat TCE and PCE impacted soil beneath the site. the dry cleaning operation closed in 1977. in 2002, a series of Injections were made at the site including corn syrup, vegetable oils, and Simple Green®. in 2004, approximately 200 cubic yards of soil was excavated and the bottom of the excavation covered with sodium lactate. in 2009, the site was characterized using high resolution electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) and follow up confirmation soil borings that targeted anomalies detected via the geophysical work. the results indicate an extremely conductive (< 1 ohm-m) vadose zone downgradient from the Injection wells, and extremely resistive areas (> 10,000 ohm-m) near the Injection area. Sample data indicate that the electrically resistive zones in the subsurface contain moderate to high concentrations of undegraded dry cleaning compounds, and the electrically conductive areas are believed to represent zones of degradation. Specifically, due to the extreme conductivity values detected, the chemical composition, and the dominant vadose zone location of the conductive zones, these are interpreted as likely areas of biological activity generated by the injected amendments to the site.


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