

Сonsiders the relevance of the application of modern remote aerospace and hydrogeological methods in solving the environmental security of the hydrosphere when the shale gas will be production in Ukraine. Place your examples of the pilot implementation of these methods within the Bilyajivka site of the Dnieper-Donets Depression which is adjacent to the Yuzivka area. On basis of accounting the hydrogeologic filtrational parameters and the results of thematic decoding of remote sensing data we performed the tentative expert appraisal of the temporal rates the upward migration of pollutions from a fracturing zone to the ground water-bearing horizon when in use the shale gas probable production. The region of the Bilyajivka-400 borehole was considered as an example. As a result we established that the achievement time of the migrating pollutions from the fracturing zone to the ground water-bearing horizon level will amount to 50÷5 years. It will depend on a possible variability the active porosity value of the joint fissure that predicted in the region of mentioned borehole via remote sensing decoding data.


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