

The object of study in this paper is the Botuobinsky horizon of the productive srednebotuobinskoye field, stratigraphically corresponding byukskaya formation, Venda and widespread on the territory of the Yakut part of the Nepa-Botuobin region, neftegazonosnoj. With the emergence of a large number of borehole data and methods of research, new knowledge on geological structure of the reservoir, which differs from previous models of the structure. The object of study is a sandy deltaic complex of the Genesis, with a complex history, formed in two stages. In beginning byukskaya time in the study area on the first constructive stage fluvial Delta, when you receive terrigenous material from the continent. In the second stage begin to dominate the wave propagation, Delta transformirovalsya in the wave. In the end byukskaya time there is a change of conditions of sedimentation in the shallow littoral zone, the area colonized by stromatolites. The author provides a description of the main facies zones is given reservoir emkosty characteristics of the rocks of different areas and construct a conceptual facies scheme of the reservoir.


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