

In the conditions of active oil reserves reduction in the traditional mining regions were identified five areas of the hydrocarbon raw material base development. The Arctic offshore projects and hard to recover reserves projects can be regarded of high priority for Russia in the long-term perspective. Both directions are characterized as science intensive and contributing development of related spheres.

The potential of the hydrocarbon raw materials of the West Arctic shelf have strategic importance for Russia. Its immensity is confirmed by the occurrence of large and gigantic discoveries in the Barents and Kara Seas. The oil and gas potential of non-traditional sources has not been estimated in Russia yet, but it is much higher than the volumes of developed oil and gas fields.

The pace of development of both directions will depend on scientific and technological progress and market conditions. Risk and characteristics comparison indicates the independence of the two considered development areas of Russia resource base development. It is concluded that it is necessary to regulate the geological exploration in both directions and support them in the current economic conditions.


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