

Sand-gravel mixes (SGM) are among the minerals of multi-purpose use. Traditionally, various modifications of vertical electric sounding are used to search and study sand-gravel deposits. Today, geophysicists are faced with the task not only to discover the boundaries of the SGM deposit, but also to determine its main properties, for example, to identify areas characterized by a high percentage of gravel. Studying of the nature of induced polarization (IP) over the deposits of sandy-gravel deposits provides additional information on the composition of the sandy-gravel mixes. In 2015–2017, geophysical studies were conducted in the framework of studying practices aimed at studying the processes of induced polarization over known sand and gravel deposits in Kaluga region. The obtained results showed that, using the IP method, under certain favorable conditions, it is possible to determine sections enriched with gravel fraction. Geophysical results are confirmed by laboratory measurements of induced polarization on samples and drilling data.


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