

It is showed the high efficiency of search works by electrical prospecting method of time-domain measurements in the near zone (NTFS) to study the near surface epithermal gold-silver objects of the Southern Kazakhstan. The main methodological principle of the research was to compile vertical profiles of the distribution of the apparent resistivity pτ and linking them with the geological structure, to study the nature of the distribution of resistance along the depth and allocation of zones associated with gold mineralization. According to the characteristic points of inflection of the curve ρτ for each curve of sensing is determined the depth of occurrence and the power of the buried weathering crust, containing arrays of secondary quartzite, the stratum depth of thickness. During the binding in depth was used the experience of TEM in other regions of Kazakhstan.

During the mapping and correlation of horizons of the weathering crust was identified local anomalies of high and low electrical resistivity. The area of low resistance complications of anomalies in the form of a characteristic bending contour of ρτ aligned with the zones of weathering crust developed in the zones of tectonic disturbances. Local anomalies of high resistance, linked with outcrops of quartz veins in the horizons of the weathering crust and quartz veins in the bedrock.

Possible zones of sulphide mineralization are associated with local anomalies of low resistance. Possible space of gold mineralization associated with quartzville zones are allocated with areas of high resistance.

Promising areas of the ore mineralizations of plot Utegen have continuation in the Western direction, where the prospecting work is necessary by the method of TEM, lithogeochemical and detailed geological mapping.


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