Basin Research Editorial Board

Atle Rotevatn (Editor-in-Chief)
Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen, 5020 Bergen, Norway
Email: [email protected]
Atle Rotevatn is a Professor of Structural and Reservoir Geology at the University of Bergen (Norway), and the Head of Basin and Reservoir Studies. A structural geologist by background, Atle's main research interests relate to the evolution of extensional fault populations, the evolution of sedimentary basins, the interaction of tectonics and depositional systems, and structural controls on fluid flow. His work is grounded in the analysis of outcrops, 3D reflection seismic, reservoir modelling and simulation of fluid flow. Atle joined the Basin Research Editorial Board in 2016 and is the Basin Research Editor-in-Chief since 2019.

Kerry Gallagher (Deputy Editor)
University of Rennes 1, France
Email: [email protected]
Kerry Gallagher is a Professor at the University of Rennes, France and was previously at Imperial College London. Kerry has interests in quantifying processes in Earth Science, using inverse methods and modelling applied to a range of different problems such as thermal histories of sedimentary basins, evolution of topography and erosion, geological records of climate change and chemical fractionation in magmatic processes. Kerry served on theBasin ResearchEditorial Board for over ten years before becoming Deputy Editor.

Peter Burgess (Associate Editor)
Department of Earth, Oceans and Ecological Science, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3GP, UK
Email: [email protected]
Peter Burgess is a Professor of Sedimentary Geology at the University of Liverpool, and a member of the Quantitative Experimental Stratigraphy research group. He has diverse interests in sedimentology and stratigraphy, ranging from classic outcrop studies of both carbonate and siliciclastic strata, to seismic interpretation and quantification of large-scale stratal geometries, to statistical analysis and numerical stratigraphic forward modelling that aims to better understand the nature and origins of stratal patterns and heterogeneity. Peter joined the Basin Research Editorial Board in 2019.

Cari Johnson (Associate Editor)
Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84105, USA
Email: [email protected]
Cari Johnson is a Professor of Geology and Geophysics at the University of Utah. She is a classic sedimentologist and stratigrapher, with interests in signal propagation (tectonics, climate, eustasy, autogenics) in the sedimentary record, provenance and facies analysis, and petroleum systems applications. Her background and ongoing research includes sedimentary basin analysis in Asia, western North America, and South Africa. Cari joined theBasin ResearchEditorial Board in 2018.

Craig Magee (Associate Editor)
School of Earth and Environment, Univeristy of Leeds, Leeds, LS2 9JT, UK
Email: [email protected]
Craig is a NERC Independent Research Fellow at the University of Leeds and specialises in using seismic reflection data to understand problems concerning magma emplacement, volcano growth, fault kinematics, and basin evolutions. Craig integrates his seismic-based research with field observations and rock magnetic analyses. Craig completed his PhD from the University of Birmingham in 2011 and was a post-doc and Imperial College Research Fellow at Imperial College London between 2011-2018.

Nadine McQuarrie (Associate Editor)
Department of Geology and Environmental Science, The Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, Space Research Coordination Center, Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA
Email: [email protected]
Nadine McQuarrie is an Associate Professor in the Geology and Environmental Science department at the University of Pittsburgh. Before joining the faculty at Pitt, she was an Assistant Professor at Princeton University and an Alexander Von Humboldt Fellow at the University of Tuebingen, Germany. Her research focuses on the geometric, kinematic and erosional evolution of mountain ranges and the co-evolution of their associated foreland basins. Current research activities include linking the geometry and kinematics of mapped structures to thermochronometric cooling ages examining the interplay between tectonics and erosion on both exhumation patterns and morphology of mountain ranges. Research projects start with structurally based field studies, typically through the creation of new geologic maps at previously unpublished scales or resolutions. Nadine joined the Basin Research Editorial Board in 2016.

Editorial Board

G. Bertotti (Delft University of Technology, Netherlands)
D. W. Burbank (University of California Santa Barbara, USA)
W. Cavazza (University of Bologna, Italy)
B. J. Coakley (University of Alaska, USA)
R. Davies (University of Alaska, USA)
F. Davila (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina)
A. Densmore (Durham University, UK)
J. Dewey (University of California Davis, USA)
R. Dorsey (University of Oregon, USA)
C. Ebinger (Tulane University, USA)
E. Garzanti (University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy)
G. Hampson (Imperial College London, UK)
S. Henriksen (Statoil Hydro Research Centre, Norway)
M. Huuse (University of Manchester, UK)
M. Kominz (Western Michigan University, USA)
T. Lawton (New Mexico State University, USA)
S. F. Liu (China University of Geosciences, China)
C. Morley (PTTEP, Thailand)
S. Planke (Volcanic Basin Petroleum Research, Norway)
M. Pope (Texas A&M University, USA)
M. Scheck-Wenderoth (GeoForschungsZentrum, Germany)
H. D. Sinclair (The University of Edinburgh, UK)
J. Vergés (Institute of Earth Sciences, Spain)
S. Willett (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)

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