Seismic Reservoir Characterization

An Earth Modelling Perspective (EET 2)

image of Seismic Reservoir Characterization
  • By Philippe Doyen
  • Format: EPUB
  • Publication Year: 2007
  • Number of Pages: 255
  • Language: English
  • Ebook ISBN: 9789462820234

In this publication, Philippe Doyen reviews some of the most widely used workflows for constraining 3-D earth models with seismic data. They typically involve a sequential process where seismic data are first inverted to elastic properties. Inverted data are then depth-converted and transferred into the earth model framework, where the seismic attributes are used to guide the interpolation of reservoir properties between the wells.
Geostatistics provides a number of tools for this purpose, including generalized regression techniques such as cokriging and kriging with external drift, stochastic simulation with seismic constraints and geostatistical inversion. These techniques are reasonably well-established and their application can lead to significantly better constrained earth models. So what are the remaining challenges for seismic data integration in earth models? In particular, what are the main limitations or bottlenecks with current approaches that need to be addressed in order to make this integration more widely applicable? In the last few paragraphs, Philippe Doyen lists some of the future challenges and new directions in seismic earth modelling.

Table of Contents


Title Page

Copyright Page

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction to Geostatistics and Earth Modelling from Seismic Data

1.1 Course Overview
1.2 Earth Modelling Workflow with Seismic Data
1.3 Introduction to Geostatistics

Chapter 2 3-D Geostatistical Interpolation & Filtering
2.1 Overview
2.2 Simple Kriging
2.3 Ordinary Kriging
2.4 Kriging with Locally Variable Mean
2.5 External Drift Kriging
2.6 Cokriging
2.7 Factorial Kriging
2.8 Factorial Cokriging

Chapter 3 Stochastic Simulation with Seismic Constraints
3.1 Overview
3.2 Sequential Gaussian Simulation
3.3 Sequential Simulation with LVM or Collocated Cokriging
3.4 SGS with Non-linear Relationships
3.5 Simulation with Downscaling
3.6 FFT-Moving Average Simulation
3.7 Gradual Deformation

Chapter 4 Facies Modelling from Seismic Data
4.1 Overview
4.2 Bayesian Classification
4.3 Sequential Indicator Simulation with Seismic Constraints
4.4 Truncated Gaussian Simulation
4.5 Boolean Simulation Methods
4.6 Multi-Point Statistics Simulation

Chapter 5 Stochastic Inversion
5.1 Overview
5.2 Geostatistical Inversion using SGS
5.3 Bayesian Stochastic Inversion
5.4 Exploiting Geostatistical Inversion Results
5.5 Joint Stochastic Inversion of Elastic and Petrophysical Properties

Chapter 6 Statistical Rock Physics
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Monte C Carlo Simulation of Rock Physics Templates
6.3 Combining Rock Physics and Spatial Uncertainty
6.4 Uncertainty Propagation using Linearized Analysis
6.5 Rock Physics Inversion using MCS and Bayesian Methods
6.6 Pseudo-Well Generation
6.7 Direct Petrophysical Inversion

Chapter 7 4-D Earth Modelling
7.1 Overview
7.2 Initial Geomodel Construction
7.3 Downscaling of Dynamic Properties
7.4 PEM-Based Calculation of Elastic Properties
7.5 Computation of 4-D Synthetics
7.6 4-D Interpretation
7.7 4-D Seismic History Matching

Future Directions



List of Main Mathematical Symbols

List of Main Abbreviations


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