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Satellite InSAR Data
Language: EnglishPublication Date: January 2014More LessSatellite radar data for surface deformation monitoring are gaining increasing attention, and not only within the oil and gas community. They provide a powerful tool for remotely measuring extremely small surface displacements over large areas and long periods of time, without requiring the installation of in-situ equipment. However, apart from remote sensing and radar specialists, only a relatively small number of geoscientists and engineers understand how a radar sensor orbiting the Earth at about 7 km/s from 700km above the Earth’s surface can actually measure ground displacements of a fraction of a centimetre.
This book provides a step-by-step introduction to satellite radar sensors, SAR imagery, SAR interferometry and advanced InSAR techniques. Rather than a tutorial for remote sensing specialists, the book starts from very basic concepts and explains in plain language the most important ideas related to SAR data processing and why geoscientists and engineers should take a vested interest in this new information source.
Sedimentary Structures
Authors Jan H. van den Berg and S. Djin NioLanguage: EnglishPublication Date: January 2010More LessSedimentary structures that show up in outcrops and cores tell us about physical, biological and sometimes also chemical conditions at the time they were formed.
Varying hydraulic or aerodynamic conditions result in assemblages of structures that often bear diagnostic features of sedimentary environments. Therefore an understanding of the origin of sedimentary structures and their assemblages is a prerequisite for sedimentologists and petroleum geologists involved in core description and interpretation.
The main objective of this book is to bring together the present basic knowledge on the relation between sedimentary structures, bedforms and hydraulic conditions. The book is part of post-graduate Short Courses in Advanced Sedimentology and Stratigraphy for the petroleum industry offered by ENRES International. In these courses much attention is given to the recognition of sedimentary environments from diagnostic features of sedimentary structures and assemblages of structures. For this purpose practicals are given using a selection of lacquer peels and cores representing typical fluvial to estuarine, coastal and eolian environments. This material including its interpretation is published as a regularly updated stand-alone document that can be obtained from ENRES.
One of the pioneering publications on this subject was a series of SEPM symposium papers published in 1965 (Middleton, 1965b). A more comprehensive publication on sediment movement by fluid flow and the resulting sedimentary structures was followed in 1972 (Blatt, Middleton and Murray, 1972). After that many excellent publications and textbooks were published (e.g. Allen, 1984, 1985; Bridge and Demicco, 2008; Collinson and Thompson, 1989; Harms et al., 1982; Hs?, 1989; Leeder, 1999; Reineck and Singh, 1980). These publications are partly covering a much wider scope as presented in this book, but are at some points not going into the desired details and are partly outdated.
We have no intention to offer a new comprehensive textbook. The main goal of this book is to introduce the terminology and fundamental concepts that are necessary for the description and interpretation of the hydraulic background of sedimentary structures in siliciclastic deposits. Another objective of this book is to put this topic within the newly developed framework of modern stratigraphy (e.g. sequence stratigraphy and climate stratigraphy). Also some important new insights from recent research at the University of Utrecht and unique data of sedimentary structures from outcrops up to 15m below mean sea level have been added. A specially-designed Core Simulation software has been developed in cooperation with Statoil which will be used during the course and the practicals.
Seismic Fracture Characterization
Authors Enru Liu and Alex MartinezLanguage: EnglishPublication Date: January 2012More LessDuring the last three decades, seismic anisotropy has evolved from a purely academic research topic into applications in the mainstream of applied geophysics. Today, nobody doubts that the earth is anisotropic and most (if not all) hydrocarbon reservoirs are anisotropic. Since shale accounts for 70% of sedimentary basins and fractures exist in all reservoirs, seismic anisotropy may be even more extensive than we think. Taking anisotropy into account in seismic processing has improved the quality of seismic images, even though it makes seismic processing more challenging since additional parameters are needed. At the same time, fracture characterization using the concept of seismic anisotropy has added value in reservoir characterization, reservoir management, and has increased recovery and optimized well locations. This book and the associated course provide an introduction to the fundamental concepts of seismic fracture characterization by introducing seismic anisotropy, equivalent-medium representation theories of fractured rock and methodologies for extracting fracture parameters from seismic data. We focus on practical applications using extensive field data examples.
Three case studies are included to demonstrate the applicability, workflow and limitations of this technology: a physical laboratory 3D experiment where fracture distributions are known, a Middle East fractured carbonate reservoir and a fractured tight gas reservoir. Our ultimate goal is to build discrete fracture network models incorporating all data. These models should not only be geologically consistent but also geophysically and geomechanically consistent, so that the models can be used to forecast the behaviour and performance of fractured reservoirs.
The EAGE’s Education Tour (EET) offers a one-day course delivered by renowned geoscientists at various locations globally. Accompanied by a comprehensive course book, it provides members and others with access to the latest developments in key topics in the Geosciences. The Tour has been a great success since its launch in 2006.
Seismic Geomechanics
Authors J. Herwanger and N. KoutsabeloulisLanguage: EnglishPublication Date: January 2011More LessThree-dimensional geomechanical models have seen a rapid increase in use by the oil and gas industry, with applications from drilling to reservoir management. Yet few university programmes include applied geomechanics as part of their curriculum. This course aims to fill this gap and presents currently available methods to build, calibrate and interpret 3D and 4D geomechanical models. The course participant will become comfortable with stress and strain tensors, understand the basics of deriving elastic and strength properties, learn how to use seismic data to build geomechanical models and understand the importance of calibrating geomechanical models with observations.
Seismic Imaging
Language: EnglishPublication Date: January 2010More LessThe book presents the various seismic imaging methods currently in use in the Oil and Gas industry in a unified and almost equation-free approach. Guided step by step through each method well illustrated by figures and examples, the reader will discover differences between time and depth imaging, how they impact the quality of the seismic image, the distinction between Kirchhoff, Gaussian Beam and other Beam techniques, principles of ray-based tomography and how it may be used after wave-equation methods, in what sense two-way Reverse Time Migration differs from one-way Shot Point migration, what are the emerging routes for migration velocity analysis, what can we expect from Full Waveform Inversion and at what cost, how 3D and wide azimuth acquisition impact imaging, and answers to many other questions.
Seismic Multiple Removal Techniques
Language: EnglishPublication Date: January 2013More LessMultiple reflections have been a major problem since the beginning of seismic exploration. In the last five decades a range of methods have been developed to suppress these reflections and enhance the primaries. This book provides an overview of these techniques, starting with the deconvolution-based methods from the 1960s, via the move-out discrimination techniques of the 1980s and ending up with wave-equation based methods from the 1990s and their 3D extensions as developed in the 2000s.
Furthermore, the current challenges in multiple removal and their relation with seismic imaging and inversion are treated. Besides this overview, the book also discusses processing concepts that are required to better understand various technologies, such as high-resolution seismic data transforms (Fourier, Radon), adaptive filtering techniques, wave-equation based forward and inverse wave propagation and the processing of seismic data in different transform domains. The emphasis is not to thoroughly treat the mathematics but to present some understanding of the physical concepts behind each method, illustrated with clear examples.
Seismic Reservoir Characterization
Language: EnglishPublication Date: January 2007More LessIn this publication, Philippe Doyen reviews some of the most widely used workflows for constraining 3-D earth models with seismic data. They typically involve a sequential process where seismic data are first inverted to elastic properties. Inverted data are then depth-converted and transferred into the earth model framework, where the seismic attributes are used to guide the interpolation of reservoir properties between the wells.
Geostatistics provides a number of tools for this purpose, including generalized regression techniques such as cokriging and kriging with external drift, stochastic simulation with seismic constraints and geostatistical inversion. These techniques are reasonably well-established and their application can lead to significantly better constrained earth models. So what are the remaining challenges for seismic data integration in earth models? In particular, what are the main limitations or bottlenecks with current approaches that need to be addressed in order to make this integration more widely applicable? In the last few paragraphs, Philippe Doyen lists some of the future challenges and new directions in seismic earth modelling.
Seismic traveltime tomography for engineering and exploration applications
By Bodo LehmannLanguage: EnglishPublication Date: January 2007More LessTomographic imaging of seismic velocities is probably the most novel application of the seismic method to high resolution exploration and monitoring of the subsurface. It is a pleasure to make available a comprehensive state-of-the-art book giving an excellent overview of seismic tomography explaining the current status of the method, describing it and evaluating the possibilities and the potential for future developments.
The book covers a wide range of applications of seismic tomography in geotechnological and geoscientific investigations, in particular for engineering and exploration. The intent to be practical is well met with many field examples and problems, without neglecting the basic principles needed to understand the examples more deeply and to judge the quality of the imaging. A very comprehensive list of references to specific and general publications on the subject allows access to more detailed information.
Bodo Lehmann has succeeded very well in making seismic tomography understandable and useful to the geoscientific and geoengineering community and beyond. This is the most comprehensive book currently available on seismic tomography. It is suitable not only for professional geophysicists, geologists and engineers but also for study at the graduate level.
Seismic Stratigraphy and Depositional Facies Models
Authors P.C.H. Veeken and B. van MoerkerkenLanguage: EnglishPublication Date: January 2013More LessSeismic stratigraphic techniques are nowadays part of the standard routine for interpreting seismic datasets and it is a fundamental tool for the E and P business. Its added value has been demonstrated over the past few decennia by an impressive proven track record in green field hydrocarbon exploration. Refinement and more diligent processing techniques (e.g., PrSDM, multi-focusing, full wavefield processing) necessitate a systematic approach towards 3D seismic interpretation. Seismic stratigraphy represents a coherent method for the analysis of sedimentary basin fills. The change in scale of observation, from individual outcrops to the regional framework, has been an eye-opener to many geoscientists. The results of seismic stratigraphic analysis form solid input for integrated quantitative subsurface reservoir studies. Better reservoir management decisions are made possible, when the reservoir characterisation approach is combined with 4D monitoring of the hydrocarbon exploitation and a feedback loop is adopted in the evaluations. Optimisation of the production in existing fields augments the ultimate recovery rate and this has a significant impact on the revenues generated from proven reserves. The seismic method improves the accuracy of subsurface forecasts and in consequence reservoir simulations are better matched to the observed production history. Seismic stratigraphy provides prediction details to shared earth model that were not available before. The benefits are documented by many case histories worldwide.
The textbook summarizes basic seismic interpretation techniques for sedimentary basin fills. A basic overview of seismic processing techniques is presented. The benefits of integrated reservoir studies for hydrocarbon exploration are demonstrated. These study techniques also apply to other geoscience domains like: mineral exploration, archaeology, environmental studies, C02 sequestration. Topics are presented from a practical point of view with abundant illustrations to support various case histories. The reader (students as well as professional geophysicists, geologists and reservoir engineers) is taken from an introductory to a more advanced study level. A wide range of interpretation issues are covered, all the way from 2D to 3D and even 4D with a multi-component approach. The link with sedimentology and depositional facies models is made. Some aspects of seismic sequence stratigraphy and structural deformation basin analysis are presented, but these topics will be described in more detail in the next volume of the series.