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Modelling in 3D on a 2D screen is a difficult endeavour. The outcome depends mainly on how software implements modeling-tools. Tools used in the movie industry require a lot of time for user training. Usually geoscientists are specialized in their fields and they are not trained in computer-based interactive 3D modelling. They require simple-to-use modelling strategies, which can be used by geo-experts not familiar with sophisticated 3D manipulators and – most importantly – allow the creation and, most often, handling existing models (e.g., salt structures coming from seismic interpretation). Since models get more and more complex in geometry (e.g., complex multi-z geometries), modelling tools must be designed in a way that model-topology is conserved while constraints are respected, when such tools are applied. Thereby it is important that the tools must guarantee topology conservation, no matter what operations are performed to geo-models. Therefore tools for interactive 3D modelling of potential field data have been rethought and implemented in the IGMAS+ platform (Alvers et al., 2013; 2014, Lahmeyer et al., 2010). Responding to the question ‘Quo Vadis Inversion?’, this paper presents a new method (based on Alvers et al., 2013; 2014) for an automated interactive 3D-inversion. Thereby the methodology is, to let the user select a certain part of the model, thought to be wrong, by simply opening a box around it and start an automated inversion, which can be watched in (ideally) real time. The new approach is that now users can stop the automated inversion at any time, rewind if required, reset parameters (such as constraints) and rerun the process from there. The aim is to put the geo-expert in the driver’s seat to easily test geological and geophysical hypotheses. Based on a hybrid model (Schmidt et al., 2011) structure consisting of grids, voxel cubes and triangulated surfaces, complex models can be created and modified either interactively or by automated interactive inversion as described below.