Volume 23, Issue 1
  • ISSN: 1569-4445
  • E-ISSN: 1873-0604



The geomechanical behaviour of the main tunnel of an underground powerhouse structure in the Himalayan region after its construction is a challenge for the geotechnical experts due to the issues of time‐dependent deformation and failure of the rock mass support system. The machine hall of the underground powerhouse of Tala Hydropower Plant facing such issues needs demarcation of the failure zone in advance, as well as parameters to assist in the proper support redesign using a real‐time continuous monitoring system. Seismic source parameters deduced using a three‐dimensional microseismic monitoring network at this powerhouse cavern provide information on the deformation zone in the machine hall and its stability status using spatio‐temporal analysis of seismic potency displacement, Gutenberg–Richter relation and log–log (energy–moment) relationship. Sectional analysis demarcates the deformation zone in the upstream and downstream wall of the machine hall and planar analysis at regular intervals of the machine hall has provided a path of propagation of deformation. This analysis has helped to increase the stability of this underground powerhouse, and the same methodology may be applied to other underground structures for marking their deformation zone to increase their long‐term stability in the Himalayan region.


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