Volume 36, Issue 4
  • E-ISSN: 1365-2117



The shelf‐slope margin is a geomorphic zone with a change in gradient between subaqueous shelves and slopes, which extends towards the submarine basin‐floor. It is important because it partitions distinct sedimentary and biogenic processes between the shallow and deep‐water realms. The initiation of a shelf‐slope profile from pre‐existing conditions, and the evolution of shelf margins in space and time has been the focus of numerous studies, particularly from seismic data sets on passive margins, although markedly less‐so from active tectonic settings. This study documents the initiation and evolution of a shelf‐slope margin in the well‐studied Eocene Aínsa Basin (Spanish Pyrenees) through the segmentation of a mixed carbonate‐siliciclastic ramp via contractional tectonics and differential subsidence. The basinward propagation of a series of thrusts through the ramp allowed the maintenance of shallow‐water, predominantly carbonate sedimentation on their uplifted hanging wall anticlines. Conversely, the deepened foot wall synclines became muddy slope environments, and their axes became the main loci of siliciclastic turbidity current bypass and deposition. The deflection of turbidity currents around uplifted areas towards the synclinal lows allowed for the continuation of carbonate production at the bathymetric highs, which kept pace with subsidence. The interface between shallow‐ and deep‐water sedimentation (i.e. the shelf‐slope margin) was an erosional and composite submarine scarp surface generated by several phases of large‐scale mass wasting of the aggrading shelf carbonates, and healing by onlap of slope turbidites against the scarp. Continued thrust propagation and basin deepening led to the progressive headward degradation of the surfaces, resulting in an apparent retrogradation of the shelf‐slope margin and onlapping slope deposits. This model for the tectonically controlled conversion of a submarine ramp into a shelf‐slope profile contrasts with conventional models that consider shelf‐slope margins to be inherently progradational after initiation. This study also challenges the notion that large‐scale degradational surfaces and thick successions of submarine landslides are inherently diagnostic of canyons and their fill.


In this study we document the conversion of a mixed carbonate‐clastic shelf/ramp to a shelf‐slope‐basin‐floor profile by synsedimentary thrusting in the Eocene of the Aínsa Basin (Spanish Pyrenees). As thrusts began to propagate through the shelf/ramp, the tops of thrust hanging wall anticlines became the restricted loci for shallow marine mixed carbonate‐clastic deposition, whilst the axes of footwall synclines became dominated by muddy slope environments with turbidity current bypass and deposition. The shelf‐slope margin was a composite surface, developed through phases of mass wasting of shelf carbonates, and healing by onlap of slope turbidies against failure scarps. This study demonstrates that: 1) tectonically controlled shelf‐slope margins can be net‐retrogradational contrasting conventional models for passive margin settings; and 2) large‐scale degradational surfaces and thick successions of submarine landslides are not inherently diagnostic of submarine canyons and their fill.


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