Volume 19, Issue 2
  • E-ISSN: 1365-2117



Swath bathymetry, single‐channel seismic profiling, gravity and box coring, 210Pb down‐core radiochemical analyses and sequence stratigraphic analysis in the Gulf of Alkyonides yielded new data on the evolution of the easternmost part of the Gulf of Corinth. Three fault segments, the South Strava, West Alkyonides and East Alkyonides faults, dipping 45, 30 and 45°, respectively, northwards, form the southern tectonic boundary of the Alkyonides Basin. Two 45° southwards dipping segments, the Domvrena and Germeno Faults, form the northern tectonic margin. The Alkyonides Basin architecture is the result of a complex interaction between fault dynamics and the effects of changes in climate and sea/lake level. Chrono‐stratigraphic interpretation of the seismic stratigraphy through correlation of the successive seismic packages with lowstands and highstands of the Late Quaternary indicates that the evolution of the basin started 0.40–0.45 Ma BP and can be divided in two stages. Subsidence of the basin floor during the early stage was uniform across the basin and the mean sedimentation rate was 1.0 m kyear−1. Vertical slip acceleration on the southern tectonic margin since 0.13 Ma BP resulted in the present asymmetric character of the basin. Subsidence concentrated close to the southern margin and sedimentation rate increased to 1.4 m kyear−1 in the newly formed depocentre of the basin. Actual (last 100 year) sedimentation rates were calculated to >2 mm year−1, but are significantly influenced by the presence of episodic gravity flow deposits. Total vertical displacement of 1.1 km is estimated between the subsiding Alkyonides Basin floor and the uplifting Megara Basin since the onset of basin subsidence at a mean rate of 2.4–2.75 m kyear−1, recorded on the East Alkyonides Fault. Gravity coring in the Strava Graben and in the lower northern margin of Alkyonides Basin proved the presence of whitish to olive grey laminated mud below thin marine sediments. Aragonite crystals and absence of the marine coccolithophora indicate sedimentation in lacustrine environment during the last lowstand glacial interval.


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