Volume 19, Issue 2
  • E-ISSN: 1365-2117



A stability model of drainage basin mass balance is used to interpret historic and prehistoric patterns of sediment production, storage and output from the Waipaoa River basin, New Zealand and assess the sensitivity of basin sediment yield to land use change in the historic period. Climate and vegetation cover changed during the late Holocene, but the drainage basin mass balance system was stable before the basin was deforested by European colonists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In this meso‐scale dispersal system sediment sources and sinks are closely linked, and before that time there was also little variability in the rate of terrigenous mass accumulation on the adjacent continental shelf. However, despite strong first‐order geologic controls on erosion and extensive alluvial storage, sediment delivery to the continental shelf is sensitive and highly responsive to historic hillslope destabilization driven by land use change. Alluvial buffering can mask the effects of variations in sediment production within a basin on sediment yield at the outlet, but this is most likely to occur in basins where alluvial storage is large relative to yield and where the residence time of alluvial sediment is long relative to the time scale of environmental change. At present, neither situation applies to the Waipaoa River basin. Thus, the strength of the contemporary depositional signal may not only be due to the intensity of the erosion processes involved, but also to the fact that land use change in the historic period destabilized the drainage basin mass balance system.


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