Volume 16, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 1354-0793
  • E-ISSN:



Stacked basalt flows cover much of the NW European continental margin, including potentially prospective sediments of the Faroes shelf. Such flows attenuate seismic energy, hindering sub-basalt structural imaging which is critical for both exploration and tectonic studies. Low-frequency, long-offset reflection surveys have yielded improved images below top basalt, while coincident ocean-bottom seismometer (OBS) data have mapped low velocity zones (LVZ) from tomographic inversion. Image correlation in a common depth domain is challenged by low spatial resolution of the tomographic image, the absence of turning rays in a LVZ and the lack of wide-angle arrivals in the reflection data. We integrate densely sampled reflection data with deep velocities from OBS data to give a common velocity model in a new, iterated, pre-stack depth-migration workflow using complementary constraints from the two datasets. The matched velocity model and depth image enable interpretation of (i) a uniform flood basalt sequence, 2–4 km thick beneath the Fugloy Ridge, with velocities correlating with those in the Lopra 1/1A borehole and (ii) a sub-basalt LVZ with chaotic reflections corresponding to sill-intruded, probably syn-rift sediments. Such a workflow could be extended to targets beneath high velocity salt or basalt and could provide constraints for 3D datasets.

Overlays of modelled arrival times on all the OBS gathers, similar to Figure 4, can be found at http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/SUP18433


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