Volume 16, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 1354-0793
  • E-ISSN:



A series of tests were carried out employing a modified triaxial cell able to measure both elastic and electric properties simultaneously at reservoir conditions. Measured quantities such as porosity, permeability, resistivity and P- and S-wave velocities were cross plotted, and possible correlations were investigated. Identified experimental trends were then tested against a variety of rock physics models. A good correlation was obtained in most cases. Such results together with petrophysical logging data can be used to constrain possible joint inversion of controlled source electromagnetic data and seismic data. The simultaneous use of resistivity and acoustic measurements to monitor a water-substituting-oil process at reservoir conditions was also investigated. This study indicated that the electrical properties are much more sensitive to changes in saturation in the case of water flooding for enhanced oil recovery than the elastic properties.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): elastic property; measurement; reservoir; resistivity; rock sample; triaxial cell

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