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Evidence of a rolling hinge mechanism in the seismic records of the hydrocarbon-bearing Alaşehir graben, western Turkey
- Source: Petroleum Geoscience, Volume 16, Issue 2, May 2010, p. 155 - 160
- 27 Jul 2009
- 12 Jan 2010
The east–west-trending Alaşehir graben is one of the prominent structures in western Turkey proved to have hydrocarbon potential. Previously published seismic profiles have been re-interpreted and they show that Miocene graben fill accumulated in the hanging wall of the east–west-trending first fault system, which has a well-developed wedge geometry. It is also clearly seen in the seismic profiles that the relatively younger, second and third fault systems are nicely merged with the first fault system, indicating that a rolling hinge mechanism was working in the Alaşehir graben.