Volume 15, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 1354-0793
  • E-ISSN:



We evaluated the relationship between geological parameters and the flow behaviour of channelized reservoirs with the aid of an experimental design approach. The geological parameters included geometrical properties, such as channel dimensions and sinuosity, petrophysical parameters, such as permeability and net-to-gross ratio, and a derived property: connectivity. The reservoir flow behaviour was characterized with various metrics based on simulated production data generated with the aid of reservoir flow simulations. In the first part of our study, we found a weak correlation between the geometrical parameters and the reservoir flow behaviour, whereas we found a strong correlation between connectivity and the flow behaviour. In the second part we demonstrate how to use the strong correlation between connectivity and flow behaviour to make a selection of models with similar production response from a large ensemble of reservoir model realizations.


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