Volume 2, Issue 1
  • E-ISSN:


Assessments of fault geometries and fault-risk parameters are crucial when evaluating the integrity of a structurally controlled CO storage site. To perform these assessments, seismic data, recorded in time, must be converted to depth. The velocity models used for this time to depth conversion influence the final depth image and, consequently, the geometry of the interpreted faults. Against this background, we created four velocity models for depth conversion, assessed the impact on fault throw, dip and thickness of the primary seal, and, subsequently, a fault-risk assessment of the Vette Fault Zone in the Smeaheia CO storage site. We found that depth conversion had a larger influence on fault throw and thickness of the primary seal than on fault dip. In contrast, the overall assessment of the presence of a membrane seal and geomechanical integrity showed less sensitivity to the depth conversion process. Consequently, we suggest that a relatively robust fault-risk assessment can be made with a variety of velocity model designs and data input. Nevertheless, we found a mean difference of 2% in the shale gouge ratio, 4% in the slip tendency and 9% in the dilation tendency for the Vette Fault Zone, emphasizing the importance of accounting for the influence of depth conversion in optimizing structural assessments in potential CO storage sites.



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