Volume 2, Issue 1
  • E-ISSN:


The Endurance saline aquifer CO store in the UK North Sea is the planned storage site for CO emissions that will be captured from the East Coast Cluster. The site has been characterized to assess its suitability for injectivity, containment and capacity. The injection target is the Early Triassic Bunter Sandstone Formation, consisting of fine-grained sandstones deposited in fluvial, lacustrine and playa lake environments that were subject to repeated aeolian and fluvial reworking. The sandstones have excellent reservoir quality and are likely to be well connected due to the lack of preserved heterolithic layers. The trap is a large, four-way dip-closed anticline, sealed by mudstones and evaporites of the Middle Triassic Dowsing Formation. The top seal sediments are laterally extensive and geomechanically strong, and faulting observed in the overburden does not appear to connect to the reservoir, providing confidence that CO containment will be secure. The risk of leakage through existing legacy wells is assessed as low. The maximum effective CO storage capacity is . 450 Mt: Phase 1 development of 100 Mt is equivalent to a storage efficiency factor of 3%, which is achievable without the need for brine production. First injection is planned from 2027.


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