Volume 30, Issue 4
  • ISSN: 1354-0793
  • E-ISSN:


This study investigates the petroleum potential of mudstones of the Late Cretaceous Haymana Formation in the Haymana Basin, Turkey. The lithofacies, pore structure and source-rock characteristics of the mudstones are examined using stratigraphic, sedimentological, petrophysical and organic geochemical methods along four stratigraphic sections and other sampling sites. The depositional model presents a facies distribution within a submarine fan system. According to the bulk mineralogy, the identified lithofacies are mixed mudstone, mixed siliceous mudstone, marl, mixed carbonate mudstone, argillaceous/siliceous mudstone and clay-rich siliceous mudstone. XRD and mercury intrusion measurements suggest that the macropores (>50 nm) of the mudstones formed by dissolution of calcite, while mesopores (2–50 nm) developed around the clay–quartz/feldspar. Of the analysed samples, no lithofacies class is distinct with any specific range of porosity or permeability, which suggests a strong heterogeneity in pore throat size, mineral content and grain size. The black shale from the NW of the basin with a total organic carbon (TOC) content of 1.19%, S1 value of 0.07 mg g, S2 value of 1.01 mg g and a value of 441°C is a relatively more mature source rock, although it still exhibits a poor petroleum potential. Overall, the TOC values (average of 0.38%) of the mudstones suggest organic-poor rock characteristics for the Haymana Formation in the studied parts of the Haymana Basin.


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