Volume 30, Issue 3
  • ISSN: 1354-0793
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In fold-and-thrust belts where there is a high degree of structural complexity, artificial geometrical distortions are often present on seismic reflection profiles. These need to be minimized during modelling. We document a workflow in which depth mapping, velocity model building, well calibration and cross-section balancing are integrated into the seismic interpretation process to generate trustworthy structural models in complex zones. The proposed methodology is exemplified by a case study from the foothills zone of the Colombian Eastern Cordillera. In addition, sequential kinematic restoration of the modelled structure allowed an evaluation to be made of hydrocarbon migration routes during the period between the Oligocene and the middle Miocene. Following the previously mentioned workflow, we document a failed exploratory case study where all elements of the petroleum system are present except the trap. In this context, the documented case is a typical velocity pull-up. From this and published case studies, we conclude that in Andean settings and probably most on land contractional-foothill settings, the use of seismic images only does not provide enough evidence for the presence of traps and additional surface geological signatures must be documented. The proposed workflow therefore appears to be a useful tool for evaluating the exploration risk in structurally complex fold-and-thrust belt settings.


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