Volume 42, Issue 2
  • ISSN: 0263-5046
  • E-ISSN: 1365-2397



Protecting natural and near-natural ecosystems is becoming increasingly important in an ever more densely populated and intensively used earth surface. Climate change-induced extreme weather events have accelerated the environmental degradation that has been taking place for centuries. Comprehensive and precise environmental monitoring is therefore essential, especially around mining, post-mining and industrial sites. Traditional in-situ measurements are inadequate for wide areas, necessitating the integration of satellite and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) remote sensing data for a more comprehensive monitoring.

This multi-level approach utilises satellites for large-scale and high-temporal remote sensing and UAV data for medium-area and high-precision monitoring, while in-situ measurements serve as validation for both data sources. Different case studies at the Research Center of Post-Mining demonstrate the approach’s effectiveness in geomonitoring post-mining processes and risk management in the oil and gas industry.

Integrating diverse data sources enables comprehensive monitoring and analysis, enabling the creation of user-friendly web applications to facilitate efficient risk management decisions. This multi-level monitoring concept offers an efficient approach to understanding and addressing environmental changes and risks in various industries and conservation projects.


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