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- Volume 10, Issue 1, 1998
Basin Research - Volume 10, Issue 1, 1998
Volume 10, Issue 1, 1998
Sediment supply and climate change: implications for basin stratigraphy
Authors Mike R. Leeder, Tracey Harris and Mike J. KirkbyThe rate of sediment supply from erosional catchment to depositional basin depends primarily upon climate, relief, catchment slope and lithology. It varies in both time and space. Spatial changes in erosion rates due to variations in lithology are illustrated by contrasting rates of drainage divide migration away from faults of known ages. Time variations in relative sediment supply are extremely complex and vary widely according to the direction and magnitude of climate change. In many parts of the Great Basin and south‐western USA, glacial maximum climates were characterized by higher effective moisture and the altitudinal downward spread of woods and forests. Sparse data from alluvial fans indicate reduced sediment supply, despite the increased runoff evident from higher lake levels. The situation in Mediterranean areas is less clear, with rival climatic scenarios for vegetation ecotypes predicting contrasting runoff. In order to test these latter we run Cumulative Seasonal Erosion Potential [CSEP] experiments for present‐day and a variety of full‐glacial Mediterranean candidate climates. The results indicate the likelihood of enhanced sediment supply and runoff compared to the present day during full‐glacial times for a cool wet winter climate and a reduction in sediment supply and runoff for a full‐glacial cool dry winter climate. We then explore the consequences of such phase differences in sediment supply, and sea and lake levels for the stratigraphy of sedimentary basins. Highstands and lowstands of sea or lake may be accompanied by greater or lesser sediment and water supply, as determined by the regional climate and the direction of climatic change. Thus marine lowstands are not necessarily periods of great transfer of coarse clastic sediments to shelves and deep water basinal environments. Unsteady sediment supply has greatest implications for alluvial systems, in particular the effect that changing relative supplies of water and sediment have upon river and fan channel incision.
Sediment supply from landslide‐dominated catchments: implications for basin‐margin fans
Authors Philip A. Allen and Niels Hovius*The sediment flux from a mountainous catchment can be expressed as a function of a landslide rate constant κ which accounts for the vigour of hillslope erosion. Since the incising drainage network flushes all or a portion of the products of hillslope erosion to a range front where fan deposition takes place, a conservation of solid sediment volume allows the fan area and progradation distance to be calculated. These parameters are related primarily to the discharge of sediment from the catchment and to local tectonic subsidence.
A survey of modern alluvial fans in a wide range of climatic and tectonic settings shows that the effects of climate and bedrock lithology cannot be discriminated in the scatter of data of catchment area vs. fan area. However, by focusing on over 100 fans in the arid and semiarid zone of SW USA, the impact of tectonic subsidence rate is unambiguous. Although further quantitative data on local tectonic subsidence rates are urgently required, our preliminary analysis suggests considerable potential for reconstructing palaeocatchments where basin tectonic subsidence rates can be estimated. The progradation distances of fans from the northern and southern margins of the Middle Devonian Hornelen Basin of Norway, and the western and north‐eastern margins of the Mio‐Pliocene Ridge Basin, California, allow catchment sizes and denudation rates to be approximated. Although unique solution sets are not possible, an iteration of parameter values allows plausible parameter combinations to be calculated which shed light on the tectonic and sedimentary history of the proximal basin and upland source regions. Model results suggest significant asymmetry in basin subsidence rates, catchment slopes and transport mechanics between the two margins.
Geometric constraints on composition of sediment derived from erosional landscapes
Authors Chris Paola and John B. SwensonAlthough unroofing sequences are well known in the stratigraphic record, there is no general theory for estimating relevant basic quantities such as the time history of sediment production from a particular unit or the degree of mixing between successive units. Here we investigate the production of sediment from layered source rocks that are milled off by steady‐state erosional topography. The shape of the sediment‐production function for milling off a thin horizontal layer is given by the derivative of the hypsometric function, in the form of area contained within contours as a function of contour altitude. The time‐scale for the production function, the ‘topographic mixing time’, is set by the topographic relief divided by the uplift rate. The production function for a sharp transition from one unit to another is given directly by the hypsometric function. The effects of stratal dip parallel to the mean slope of the erosional topography and finite layer thickness can be accounted for to a first approximation by simple geometric corrections to the mixing time.
Finite layer thickness also has the effect of smoothing the production function although most natural hypsometric functions are smooth enough that this effect is relatively weak. The quality of an unroofing sequence can be measured in terms of the ‘sharpness’ of separation of successive peaks in sediment production produced by milling off a sequence of geometrically similar layers. This peak sharpness can be parameterized by a ratio of the interval between successive peaks in sediment production to topographic mixing time. By this measure, the quality of unroofing sequences is controlled by two parameters: the ratio of layer thickness to topographic relief, and the dip angle. The dip angle in concert with topographic mixing exerts a strong control on the degree of signal segregation; in particular, production of cleanly segregated signals for dip angles greater than about 15° requires very high ratios of layer thickness to relief. Hence identification of distinct unroofing sequences may place significant and useful constraints on the attitude and/or thickness of units in the eroding stratigraphy.
Numerical modelling of landscape evolution on geological time‐scales: a parameter analysis and comparison with the south‐eastern highlands of Australia
Authors Peter Van Der Beek* and Jean BraunSurface‐process models (SPMs) have the potential to become an important tool in predicting sediment flux to basins, but currently suffer from a lack of quantitative understanding of their controlling parameters, as well as difficulties in identifying landscape properties that can be used to test model predictions. We attempt to constrain the parameter values that enter a SPM by comparing predictions of landscape form (as expressed by hypsometric and fractal measures) and process rates obtained for different parameter sets with observations from the south‐eastern Australian highlands, a rifted margin mountain belt that has remained tectonically stable during Cenozoic times. We map the hypsometry and fractal characteristics of south‐eastern Australia and find that the roughness amplitude (G) correlates well with local relief, whereas the hypsometric integral (H ) correlates slightly better with elevation than with relief. The fractal dimension (D) does not correlate with any other morphometric measure and varies randomly throughout the region. Variograms generally show three kinds of scaling behaviour of topography with increasing wavelength, with topography only being truly self‐affine at wavelengths between ∼1 and 10 km. From a review of the available data on long‐term denudation rates in south‐eastern Australia, we infer that these have been 1–10 m Myr−1, and average escarpment retreat rates 0.2–1.0 km Myr−1, throughout the Cenozoic. Model predictions, using a SPM that includes hillslope diffusion and long‐range fluvial transport, suggest that landscape form evolves with time; after an initial phase where D, G and relief increase, all morphometric measures decrease with increasing denudation. The behaviour of GandH in the models is qualitatively compatible with the observations; D, however, varies predictably in the models, in contrast with its random behaviour in the real world. The observed present‐day morphology of SE Australia does not impose quantitative constraints on parameter values. The fractal analyses do impose general conditions of relative parameter values that have to be met in order to create ‘realistic’ topographies. They also suggest that there is no theoretical basis for including hillslope diffusion in SPMs with a spatial resolution coarser than 1 km. A comparison of the observed denudation and retreat rates with model predictions places order‐of‐magnitude constraints on parameter values. Thus, data pertaining to landscape evolution are much more valuable than static present‐day topography data for calibrating SPMs.
Exhumation of the Pyrenean orogen: implications for sediment discharge
More LessApatite fission track analyses of 21 samples from the central and eastern Pyrenees are modelled to generate time–temperature plots for the post 110±10 °C cooling history over the 40–10 Ma time interval. Modelled thermal histories have been converted into exhumation plots through the application of the present‐day geothermal gradient in the Pyrenees. The documented geology of the Pyrenees allows us to assume no significant extensional unroofing and subvertical exhumation trajectories, thus enabling exhumation to be translated into erosional denudation. Maps of denudation have been constructed for six, 5‐Myr time intervals. Denudation varied with a 20–50‐km length scale, and does not appear to have been related to the major structural zones of the mountain belt. Spatially averaged denudation rates for the six time intervals ranged from 34 to 61 mm kyr−1 assuming the present‐day geothermal gradient. Maximum rates of 240 mm kyr−1 occurred in the interval 35–30 Ma, in the region of the Querigut‐Millas massif.
Assuming the denudation resulted primarily from erosion, the denudation maps can be used to calculate sediment discharge through time to the neighbouring foreland basins. Using a series of rectangular drainage basins with a 2:1 aspect ratio (based on modern linear mountain belts) and a location of the main drainage divide based on the mean present‐day position, it is possible to evaluate the potential for spatial and temporal variations in sediment discharge as a function of denudation. The results show along‐strike variations in sediment discharge between drainage basins of 500%, and temporal variations from individual basins of >300%. A comparison of total sediment discharge per year to the Ebro and Aquitaine basins, assuming a fixed drainage divide, shows that the discharge to the south is likely to have been between 1.5 and 2.8 times greater than to the north.
Erosion, deposition and basin‐wide variations in stream power and bed shear stress
Authors Peter J. Talling and Matthew J. SowterField data from four separate locations indicate that the rate at which river channel gradient decreases downstream is fundamentally different in areas of long‐term erosion and deposition. Gradient (S) and distance from the drainage divide (x) are related such that S is proportional to xφ. In areas of deposition φ<−3, whilst in areas of erosion φ>−1.1. These differences produce downstream increases and decreases in stream power and bed shear stress which also coincide with areas of erosion and deposition. This is the first time that such a basin‐wide coincidence has been demonstrated.
A strong positive correlation between stream power, bed shear stress and bedload transport rates has been clearly shown by previous empirical studies of loose‐bed channels. It is proposed that large‐scale patterns of erosion and deposition in alluvial basins result from downstream changes in bedload transport rates, produced by the observed trends in these two parameters. If this proposal is to be fully tested, further work is needed to assess the affects of downstream fining of bed material, short‐term fluctuations in discharge and downstream exchange of particles between the suspended load and bedload.
Grain‐size trends, basin subsidence and sediment supply in the Campanian Castlegate Sandstone and equivalent conglomerates of central Utah
Authors Ruth A. J. Robinson and Rudy L. SlingerlReconstructions of grain‐size trends in alluvial deposits can be used to understand the dominant controls on stratal architecture in a foreland basin. Different initial values of sediment supply, tectonic subsidence and base‐level rise are investigated to constrain their influence on stratal geometry using the observed grain‐size trends as a proxy of the goodness of fit of the numerical results to the observed data. Detailed measurements of grain‐size trends, palaeocurrent indicators, facies and thickness trends, channel geometries and palynological analyses were compiled for the middle Campanian Castlegate Sandstone of the Book Cliffs and its conglomerate units in the Gunnison and Wasatch plateaus of central Utah. They define the initial conditions for a numerical study of the interactions between large‐scale foreland basin and small‐scale sediment transport processes. From previous studies, the proximal foreland deposits are interpreted as recording a middle Campanian thrusting event along the Sevier orogenic belt, while the stratal architecture in the Book Cliffs region is interpreted to be controlled by eustatic fluctuation with local tectonic influence. Model results of stratal geometry, using a subsidence curve with a maximum rate of ≈45 m Myr−1 for the northern Wasatch Plateau region predict the observed grain‐size trends through the northern Book Cliffs. A subsidence curve with a maximum rate of ≈30 m Myr−1 in the Gunnison–Wasatch Plateaus best reproduces the observed grain‐size trends in the southern transect through the southern Wasatch Plateau. Eustasy is commonly cited as controlling Castlegate deposition east of the Book Cliffs region. A eustatic rise of 45 m Myr−1 produces grain‐size patterns that are similar to the observed, but a rate of eustatic rise based on Haq et al. (1988) will not produce the observed stratal architecture or grain‐size trends. Tectonic subsidence alone, or a combined rate of tectonic subsidence and a Haq et al. (1988) eustatic rise, can explain the stratal and grain‐size variations in the proximal and downstream regions.
Stratigraphic inversion of siliciclastic basin fills: a note on the distinction between supply signals resulting from tectonic and climatic forcing
Authors Gert Jan Weltje*, Xander D. Meijer and Poppe L. De BoerRates of accommodation and sediment supply are the principal controls on stacking patterns in siliciclastic basin fills. Stratigraphic inversion is aimed at reconstruction of these controls from the detrital record. Efforts to ‘explain’ siliciclastic basin fills have been focused on analysis and numerical modelling of sequence geometry in response to changes in accommodation, whereas comparatively few studies have attempted to address the role of sediment supply. The compositional and textural properties of siliciclastic basin fills are linked with the evolution of drainage basins through the principle of climatic–physiographic control of sediment production and supply. Application of this principle leads to a method of compositional analysis for distinguishing sequences controlled by high‐frequency changes in the rate of accommodation from sequences controlled by high‐frequency variations in the rate of sediment supply (order of 10 kyr). This method does not require detailed time control. Changes in rate and type of sediment supplied to depositional systems in response to environmental perturbations in drainage basins are explored in greater detail by means of a numerical model of sediment production under various scenarios of climatic and tectonic forcing. Simulation experiments suggest that drainage basins respond differently to high‐frequency tectonic and climatic perturbations. Synthetic time series of cyclically forced sediment production display different types of asymmetric variations in grain size, accumulation rate and residence time of sediments in response to tectonic and climatic forcing. The results also highlight the role of vegetation as the principal modulator of climate forcing, and show that the nonlinear response to climate change may frustrate any attempts at providing broad generalizations of the system's responses. The modelling results confirm the usefulness of a combined analysis of sediment composition and sequence geometry, and the mathematically rich behaviour of the system suggests that further development of this approach is likely to increase our ability to reconstruct forcing mechanisms and initial boundary conditions from the detrital record.
Sediment accumulation along a glacially impacted mountainous coastline: north‐east Gulf of Alaska
Authors John M. Jaeger1, Charles A. Nittrouer, Nicole D. Scott and John D. MillimanTectonically active coastal regions of the world recently have been suggested to supply the bulk of sediment from land to the oceans. Seabed sampling on the continental shelf and in coastal embayments of the north‐east Gulf of Alaska (Alsek River to Prince William Sound) was performed to examine the temporal and spatial variability of sediment accumulation in a mountainous coastal setting. Cores of varying lengths (30–300 cm) were collected at 84 stations to provide information on sedimentary processes using radiochemical (210Pb and 137Cs) techniques. Four types of 210Pb activity profiles were observed, dominantly reflecting steady‐state sediment accumulation. However, nonsteady‐state profiles also were measured, resulting in part from episodic deposition near glacier‐fed rivers and on the Copper River Delta. Sediment accumulation rates in the eastern half of the study area are highest at midshelf depths (≈100 m) (≥10 mm yr−1) and near rivers draining the Bering Glacier (≈20 mm yr−1). On the Copper River Delta, sediment accumulation rates are highest for the delta front (> 20 mm yr−1) and decrease westward along the sediment dispersal route. Total annual sediment accumulation is 90–140×106 tons yr−1 on the shelf in the study area. Annual sediment accumulation for the total marine environment in the study area (including Icy and Yakutat Bays) exceeds 250×106 tons yr−1, potentially making this region the largest sink for sediment in North America. Spatial patterns in sediment accumulation on the shelf are similar between centennial and Holocene time‐scales, reflecting the dominance of the Copper River and Bering and Malaspina glaciers as sediment sources. Temporal variability in accumulation rates between centennial and Holocene time‐scales exists for portions of the study area near fiords and demonstrates the considerable changes that occur in sediment supply during glacial advances and retreats.
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