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- Volume 10, Issue 2, 1998
Basin Research - Volume 10, Issue 2, 1998
Volume 10, Issue 2, 1998
Generation of overpressure and compaction‐driven fluid flow in a Plio‐Pleistocene growth‐faulted basin, Eugene Island 330, offshore Louisiana
Authors David S. Gordon* and Peter B. FlemingsThe complex pressure and porosity fields observed in the Eugene Island (EI) 330 field (offshore Louisiana) are thought to result from sediment loading of low‐permeability strata. In this field, fluid pressures rise with depth from hydrostatic to nearly lithostatic, iso‐pressure surfaces closely follow stratigraphic surfaces which are sharply offset by growth‐faulting, and porosity declines with effective stress. A one‐dimensional hydrodynamic model simulates the evolution of pressure and porosity in this system. If reversible (elastic) compaction is assumed, sediment loading is the dominant source of overpressure (94%). If irreversible (inelastic) compaction and permeability reduction due to clay diagenesis are assumed, then thermal expansion of pore fluids and clay dehydration provide a significant component of overpressure (>20%). The model is applied to wells on the upthrown and downthrown sides of the major growth fault in the EI 330 field. Assuming that sediment loading is the only pressure source and that permeability is a function of lithology and porosity, the observed pressure and porosity profiles are reproduced. Observation and theory support a conceptual model where hydrodynamic evolution is intimately tied to the structural and stratigraphic evolution of this progradational deltaic system.
Crustal thickening and crustal extension as controls on the evolution of the drainage network of the central Swiss Alps between 30 Ma and the present: constraints from the stratigraphy of the North Alpine Foreland Basin and the structural evolution of the Alps
Authors Fritz Schlunegger, Rudy Slingerl and Albert MatterThe combined information about sedimentary petrography from the North Alpine Foreland Basin and structural geology from the Alps allows a qualitative reconstruction of the drainage network of the central Swiss Alps between 30 Ma and the present. This study suggests that crustal thickening and crustal thinning significantly controlled the location of the drainage divide. It also reveals the possible controls of crustal thickening/thinning on the change of the orientation of the drainage network from across‐strike between 30 and 14 Ma to along‐strike thereafter.
Initial crustal thickening in the rear of the wedge is considered to have formed the drainage divide between north and south at 30 Ma. Because the location of crustal thickening shifted from east to west between ≈30–20 Ma, the catchment areas of the eastern dispersal systems reached further south than those of the western Alpine palaeorivers for the same time slice. Similarly, the same crustal dynamics appear to have controlled two phases of denudation that are reflected in the Molasse Basin by petrographic trends. Uplift in the rear of the wedge caused the Alpine palaeorivers to expand further southward. This is reflected in the foreland basin by increasing admixture of detritus from structurally higher units. However, tectonic quiescence in the rear of the wedge allowed the Alpine palaeorivers to cut down into the Alpine edifice, resulting in an increase of detritus from structurally lower units. Whereas uplift in the rear of the wedge was responsible for initiation of the Alpine drainage systems, underplating of the external massifs some 50 km further north is thought to have caused along‐strike deviation of the major Alpine palaeorivers.
Besides crustal thickening, extension in the rear of the wedge appears to have significantly controlled the evolution of the drainage network of the western Swiss Alps. Slip along the Simplon detachment fault exposed the core of the Lepontine dome, and caused a 50‐km‐northward shift of the drainage divide.
Tectonics and sedimentation in the hangingwall of a major extensional detachment: the Devonian Kvamshesten Basin, western Norway
More LessThe Middle Devonian Kvamshesten Basin in western Norway is a late‐orogenic basin situated in the hangingwall of the regional extensional Nordfjord–Sogn Detachment Zone. The basin is folded into a syncline with the axis subparallel to the ductile lineations in the detachment zone. The structural and stratigraphic development of the Kvamshesten Basin indicates that the basin history is more complex than hitherto recognized. The parallelism stated by previous workers between mylonitic lineation below the basin and intrabasinal fold axes is only partly reflected in the configuration of sedimentary units and in the time‐relations between deposits on opposing basin margins. The basin shows a pronounced asymmetry in the organization and timing of sedimentary facies units. The present northern basin margin was characterized by bypass or erosion at the earliest stage of basin formation, but was subsequently onlapped and eventually overlain by fanglomerates and sandstones organized in well‐defined coarsening‐upwards successions. The oldest and thickest depositional units are situated along the present southern basin margin. This as well as onlap relations towards basement at low stratigraphic level indicates a significant component of southwards tilt of the basin floor during the earliest stages of deposition. The inferred south‐eastwards tilt was most likely produced by north‐westwards extension during early stages of basin formation. Synsedimentary intrabasinal faults show that at high stratigraphic levels, the basin was extending in an E–W as well as a N–S direction. Thus, the basin records an anticlockwise rotation of the syndepositional strain field. In addition, our observations indicate that shortening normal to the extension direction cannot have been both syndepositional and continuous, as suggested by previous authors. Through most of its history, the basin was controlled by a listric, ramp‐flat low‐angle fault that developed into a scoop shape or was flanked by transfer faults. The basin‐controlling fault was rooted in the extensional mylonite zone. Sedimentation was accompanied by formation of a NE‐ to N‐trending extensional rollover fold pair, evidenced by thickness variations in the marginal fan complexes, onlap relations towards basement and the fanning wedge geometry displayed by the Devonian strata. Further E–W extension was accompanied by N–S shortening, resulting in extension‐parallel folds and thrusts that mainly post‐date the preserved basin stratigraphy. During shortening, conjugate extensional faults were rotated to steeper dips on the flanks of a basin‐wide syncline and re‐activated as strike‐slip faults. The present scoop‐shaped, low‐angle Dalsfjord fault cross‐cut the folded basin and juxtaposed it against the extensional mylonites in the footwall of the Nordfjord–Sogn detachment. Much of this juxtaposition may post‐date sedimentation in the preserved parts of the basin.
Basinal asymmetry as well as variations in this asymmetry on a regional scale may be explained by the Kvamshesten and other Devonian basins in western Norway developing in a strain regime affected by large‐scale sinistral strike‐slip subparallel to the Caledonian orogen.
Calculating rates of syndepositional normal faulting in the western margin of the Mesozoic Subalpine Basin (south‐east France)
More LessA method is developed to quantify the rate of fault movement, with a very fine time‐resolution, so that relevant histories of fault movements can be obtained. The study subject is a Triassic–Jurassic syndepositional normal fault located at the margin of an intracratonic deep basin, the Subalpine basin of south‐eastern France. The fault has recently been identified and specifically investigated by a seismic survey along with drilling (Géologie profonde de la France Program). The investigation is based on correlation of time‐lines on both sides of the structure through a period of about 70 Myr. Correlations have been made using variable approaches depending on the stratigraphic interval: recognition of laterally continuous marker‐beds, biostratigraphic information and application of genetic stratigraphy concepts. In the case of biostratigraphic data, absolute ages are assigned to selected lines of correlation to determine time lengths and calculate velocities of fault movements. A specific backstripping procedure is established. The differential subsidence history between the two sites is restored not as a simple subtraction made after conventional backstripping on each site but as the sum of discrete differential subsidence increments calculated for each chronostratigraphic interval. The originality of the work lies in the completion of the supporting data base, implementation of high‐resolution correlations within the large time‐span of the investigation and development of a method to calculate the differential subsidence. Even though unassessable errors and uncertainties are still associated with the stratigraphic correlations, the backstripping procedure and the chronological control, the overall method offers a certain validity because the calculated and the observed differential subsidences are close. Beyond the obvious control on depositional geometries and localization of some reservoirs at the toe of the fault, the kinetic regime of the normal fault played an indirect but crucial part in the differential burial‐related alteration of the reservoirs recorded on both sides of the fault. The high accuracy of the calculation has revealed that: (1) the growth pattern of the fault does not result from a continuous thermomechanical process but is composed of a series of rifting and sliding events related to gravity‐driven extension; (2) the spectacular differential stratigraphic record on both sides of the fault is associated with fairly low values of the fault growth rate (maximum of 165 m Myr−1). The method for measuring the growth of structures can be applied to any tectonic and sedimentary environment and offers a wide range of applications.
Multimethod (K–Ar, Rb–Sr, Sm–Nd) dating of bentonite minerals from the eastern United States
Authors Theofilos Toulkeridis, Norbert Clauer, Sam Chaudhuri and Steve L. Goldstein1Isotopic determinations (K–Ar, Rb–Sr and Sm–Nd), and trace and rare‐earth elemental analyses were made on a few biotite and clay fractions of Palaeozoic bentonite units from the eastern United States. The clay fractions were gently leached with dilute hydrochloric acid to study separately the acid‐soluble minerals intimately associated with the extracted clay particles. The data highlight interesting potentials for this integrated approach to decipher complex tectonothermal evolutions of sedimentary basins. Biotite K–Ar ages are consistent with a Middle Ordovician stratigraphic age for the bentonite units with a mean age of 459±10 Ma. The clay residues give a Sm–Nd isochron age of 397±44 Ma, indicative of their crystallization during Acadian tectonothermal activity at about 200 °C. The clay leachates, which are considered to represent mineral phases different from clay material, yield a distinct Sm–Nd isochron age of 285±18 Ma which is indistinguishable from K–Ar ages obtained previously on the clays, suggesting a thermally induced diffusion of radiogenic 40Ar from clay particles during Alleghenian–Ouachita orogenic activity. The Rb–Sr system of the clay material seems to have been variably disturbed, except for the sample taken near the Allegheny Front for which an age of 179±4 Ma suggests a further localized activity of the thrust system at about 130–150 °C.
Clearly the limited number of samples does not allow us to perfectly constrain an evolutionary model. However, analysis of the soluble minerals for their contents in metal and rare‐earth elements suggests that metal‐carrying fluids migrated during the Alleghenian–Ouachita orogenic activity in the eastern North American continent. Consequently, they could have contributed to the concentration of ore deposits in the region, but this possibility needs to be tested with a larger data base.
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