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- Volume 13, Issue 3, 2001
Basin Research - Volume 13, Issue 3, 2001
Volume 13, Issue 3, 2001
Quantitative analogue flume‐model study of river–shelf systems: principles and verification exemplified by the Late Quaternary Colorado river–delta evolution
Authors M. W. I. M. Van Heijst, G. Postma, X. D. Meijer, J. N. Snow and J. B. AndersonABSTRACT Physical modelling of clastic sedimentary systems over geological time spans has to resort to analogue modelling since full scaling cannot be achieved within the spatial and temporal restrictions that are imposed by a laboratory set‐up. Such analogue models are suitable for systematic investigation of a sedimentary system's sensitivity to allocyclic changes by isolating governing parameters. Until now, analogue models of landscape evolution were mainly qualitative in nature. In this paper, we present a quantitative approach. The quantitative experimental results are verified and discussed by comparison with high‐resolution data from the Colorado river–shelf system of the Texas shelf that we used as a prototype.
The model's dimensions are proportionally scaled to the prototype, except for a vertical exaggeration. Time is scaled using a Basin Response factor to maintain a similar ratio between the period of change and the system's equilibrium time for model and prototype. A Basin Fill factor was used to compare the ratio between the time‐averaged sedimentation rate and the rate of change in accommodation space of model and prototype. The flume‐model results are in the form of sediment budgets that are related to shelf cannibalism and fluvial supply, which are compared with the ancestral Colorado river–delta evolution of the last 40 kyr.
Model and prototype have similarities in delta evolution in response to one cycle of sea‐level change. With sea‐level change as the isolated variable, the flume model generates a significant supply pulse caused by headward erosion of the shelf in response to the sea‐level fall. This pulse adds to the yield of the hinterland. The supply induced by sea‐level change persists during the early rise, although its rate declines. A similar trend is observed on the east Texas shelf. We argue that shelfal and fluvial degradation cycles induced by sea‐level changes can significantly influence the timing and amount of sediment supply to basins and must therefore be taken into consideration.
Fluvial response to sea‐level changes: a quantitative analogue, experimental approach
Authors M. W. I. M. Van Heijst and G. PostmaABSTRACT Quantitative evaluation of fluvial response to allogenic controls is crucial for further progress in understanding the stratigraphic record in terms of processes that control landscape evolution. For instance, without quantitative insight into time lags that are known to exist between sea‐level change and fluvial response, there is no way to relate fluvial stratigraphy to the sea‐level curve. It is difficult to put firm constraints on these time‐lag relationships on the basis of empirical studies. Therefore, we have started to quantify time‐averaged erosion and deposition in the fluvial and offshore realms in response to sea‐level change by means of analogue modelling in a 4 × 8‐m flume tank. The rate of sea‐level change was chosen as an independent variable, with other factors such as sediment supply, discharge and initial geometry kept constant over the course of 18 experiments. Our experimental results support the common view that neither fall nor rise in sea level affects the upstream fluvial system instantaneously. An important cause for the delayed fluvial response is that a certain amount of time is required to connect initial incisions on the newly emergent shelf (canyons) with the fluvial valley. Lowering of the fluvial longitudinal profile starts only after the connection of an active shelf canyon with the fluvial valley; until that moment the profile remains steady. We quantified the process of connection and introduced the quantity ‘connection rate’. It controlled, in conjunction with the rate of sea‐level fall: (1) the amount of fluvial degradation during sea‐level fall; (2) the total sediment volume that bypasses the shelf edge; (3) the percentage of fluvial relative to shelf sediment in the lowstand delta; (4) the volume of the transgressive systems tract and (5) the amount of diachroneity along the sequence boundary. Our experiments demonstrate also that the sequence‐stratigraphic concept is difficult to apply to continental successions, even when these successions have been deposited within the influence of sea level.
The Late Cenozoic Eridanos delta system in the Southern North Sea Basin: a climate signal in sediment supply?
Authors I. Overeem, G. J. Weltje, C. Bishop‐Kay and S. B. KroonenbergABSTRACT The Eridanos fluvio‐deltaic system, draining most of north‐western Europe, developed during the Late Cenozoic as a result of simultaneous uplift of the Fennoscandian shield and accelerated subsidence in the North Sea Basin. This seismo‐stratigraphic study aims to reconstruct the large‐scale depositional architecture of the deltaic portion of the basin fill and relate it to external controls. A total of 27 units have been recognized. They comprise over 62×103 km3 in the Southern North Sea Basin alone, and have an average delta surface area of 28×103 km2, which suggests that the size of the drainage area was about 1.1×106 km2. Water depth in the depocentre is seen to decrease systematically over time. This trend is interrupted by a deepening phase between 6.5 and 4.5 Ma that can be correlated with the simultaneous occurrence of increased uplift of the Fennoscandian shield, increased subsidence of the Southern North Sea Basin, and a long‐term eustatic highstand. All these observations point to a tectonic control on long‐term average rates of accommodation and supply. Controls on short‐term variations are inferred from variations in rates of sediment supply and bifurcation of the delta channel network. Both rates were initially low under warm, moist, relatively stable climate conditions. The straight wave‐dominated delta front gradually developed into a lobate fluvial‐dominated delta front. Two high‐amplitude sea‐level falls affected the Pliocene units, which are characterized by widespread delta‐front failures. Changes in relative sea level and climate became more frequent from the late Pliocene onward, as the system experienced the effects of glacial–interglacial transitions. Peaks in sedimentation and bifurcation rates were coeval with cold (glacial) conditions. The positive correlation between rates of supply and bifurcation on the one hand, and climate proxies (pollen and δ18O records) on the other hand is highly significant. The evidence presented in this study convincingly demonstrates the control of climate on time‐averaged sediment supply and channel‐network characteristics, despite the expected nonuniformity and time lags in system response. The presence of a clearly discernible climate signal in time‐averaged sediment supply illustrates the usefulness of integrated seismo‐stratigraphic studies for basin‐wide analysis of delta evolution on geological time scales.
Types of carbonate platforms: a genetic approach
By L. PomarABSTRACT Many types of carbonate platforms have been described, from homoclinal ramps to rimmed shelves and a full spectrum of variations in between; the distinction between these different types can be problematic. Nevertheless, classification of carbonate platforms is not just a semantic or academic issue. For example, it is clearly important for the accurate interpretation of seismic images of facies geometry and for assessing the potential of stratigraphic traps. Even though predictive efficiency of conceptual models depends on the degree of comprehension of the genetic factors controlling depositional profiles and the distribution of facies belts, current models for classification of carbonate platforms are basically descriptive and mainly based on depositional profile, size, and attachment to or detachment from a landmass.
A genetic approach considers the variability of depositional profiles among carbonate platforms as a function of the type of sediment that was produced (basically grain size), the locus of sediment production, and the hydraulic energy. Three groups of carbonate‐producing biota may be distinguished according to their dependence upon light: (1) euphotic (good light) in shallow, wave‐agitated areas; (2) oligophotic (poor light) in deeper, commonly non‐wave‐agitated areas; and (3) photo‐independent biota in all water‐depth ranges.
Several platform types in wave‐dominated seas can be considered in relation to genetic factors, even when simplifying the many possible scenarios. Euphotic framework‐producing biota create rimmed shelves similar to modern reef platforms. Soft‐substrate‐dwelling biota, which produce gravel‐sized carbonate in the shallow euphotic zone, create flat‐topped open shelves. Oligophotic gravel‐producing biota, such as some larger foraminifera and red algae, generate distally steepened ramps. Mud‐dominated carbonate production, in either euphotic or oligophotic zones, generate homoclinal ramps. Carbonate production dominated by photo‐independent biota (crinoids, sponges, bryozoans, etc.) above wave base give rise to open shelves or ramps, depending upon grain size, but may produce mounds if carbonate production occurs below the base of wave/current sweeping.
Causes of spatially variable tectonic subsidence in the Miocene Bermejo Foreland Basin, Argentina
Authors N. Cardozo and T. JordanABSTRACT Tectonic subsidence in the 20–9 Ma Bermejo basin resulted from spatially variable crustal loading on a lithosphere of spatially variable strength (e.g. elastic thickness). Reconstruction of the crustal loads added between 20 and 9 Ma, and assessment of the effects of these loads on an elastic, isotropic lithosphere confirm this hypothesis. Elastic models effectively explain tectonic subsidence east of the Iglesia–Calingasta basin, but west of it crustal loads were locally compensated. Elastic models also prove that the 20–9 Ma Frontal Cordillera loading is of no importance in the mechanical system of the Bermejo basin. 2D and 3D elastic models of a uniformly strong lithosphere under 20–9 Ma crustal loads corrected for post‐9 Ma erosion successfully replicate the 9 Ma Bermejo basin's proximal palaeotopography. However, they fail to replicate the 9 Ma basin's medial and distal palaeotopography. A 3D finite element model of a lithosphere with bimodal strength (weak below the Bermejo basin and west of the Precordillera, and strong below the Precordillera and east of the Valle Fértil lineament) successfully replicates the 9 Ma basin's palaeotopography. That variable strength model introduces a southward decrease in the wavelength of flexural deformation, which results in a basin that narrows southward, consistent with the 9 Ma Bermejo basin. The preferred 9 Ma lithospheric strength distribution is similar to the present lithospheric strength field derived from gravity data, suggesting that the bimodal strength signature was retained throughout the entire basin's evolution. Late Miocene flattening of the subducting slab, tectonic change to a broken foreland, or deposition of a thick (∼8–10 km) sedimentary cover did not affect the strength of the lithosphere underlying the Bermejo basin. The long‐term bimodal strength field does not correlate with the documented thickness of the seismogenic crust.
Tectonostratigraphic model for the North Croatian and North Bosnian sector of the Miocene Pannonian Basin System
By D. PavelićABSTRACT The formation of the North Croatian Basin, which represents the south‐western marginal part of the Pannonian Basin System and the Central Paratethys Bioprovince, began during Ottnangian time (early Miocene) by continental rifting. The syn‐rift phase lasted until the middle Badenian (middle Miocene), and resulted in the formation of elongated half‐grabens characterized by large sediment thicknesses strongly influenced by tectonics and gradually increasing volcanism. Towards the end of the syn‐rift phase sinistral strike‐slip faulting took place, transverse to oblique to the master faults, which disintegrated the longitudinal structures contemporaneously with volcanic activity. The depositional environments gradually changed from alluvial and lacustrine to marine. The syn‐ to post‐rift boundary was characterized by significant erosion of the uplift fault block footwalls. The post‐rift phase extended from the middle Badenian to the end of the Pontian (latest Miocene). Tectonic influence drastically decreased, volcanism ceased, and subsidence of the basin was controlled predominantly by cooling of the lithosphere. Marine connections gradually decreased, resulting in a transition from marine to brackish, ‘caspi‐brackish’ and finally fluvial‐marsh environments. By the end of the Miocene the basin was finally infilled. The basin evolution was also complicated by an alternation of phases of extension and compression.
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