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- Volume 19, Issue 2, 2007
Basin Research - Volume 19, Issue 2, 2007
Volume 19, Issue 2, 2007
Syntectonic subaqueous mass flows of the Neoproterozoic Otavi Group, Namibia: where is the evidence of global glaciation?
Authors Nick Eyles and Nicole JanuszczakABSTRACTThe thick (>1 km) Neoproterozoic Otavi Group of Namibia accumulated after ca. 760 Ma along >700 km of the faulted margin of the Congo Craton. The margin shows a north to south, downbasin transition from a shallow‐water carbonate shelf (Otavi Platform) to offshore deepwater slope (Outjo Basin). Within the latter, the Abenab and Tsumeb Subgroups contain large volumes of poorly sorted breccias, conglomerates and diamictites composed principally of locally derived carbonate. Diamictite facies were reported in the 1930s as tillites left by an ice sheet (although the absence of striated clasts and other key glacial indicators was viewed as problematic). Later workers rejected a glacial origin concluding that Outjo basin facies were deposited as parts of prograding submarine wedges built by mass flows during active rifting. Recently, the Snowball Earth hypothesis has returned to the earlier glacial interpretation; arguing that these strata represent a record of extraordinary late Neoproterozoic glacial and interglacial climates when global temperatures fluctuated by up to 100°C. Facies analysis of breccias, diamictites, conglomerates and sandstone strata of the Otavi Group identifies them as genetically related, subaqueously deposited sediment gravity flows. They lack diagnostic indicators of any one specific climate in source areas. These facies were all deposited in deepwater at the foot of landslide‐prone scarp blocks where debris flows and turbidity currents moved large volumes of coarse, freshly broken carbonate debris produced by faulting. Breccias, diamictites, conglomerates and sandstones occur in composite fining‐ and thinning‐upward bundles that are directly analogous to those reported from many other faulted margins in the Phanerozoic stratigraphic record. These rocks provide no clear sedimentological signature of a glacial source or catastrophic Snowball Earth‐type temperature fluctuations. Instead, they point to a dominant tectonic control on sedimentation related to faulting along the margin of the Congo Craton.
Superposed deformation in turbidites and syn‐sedimentary slides of the tectonically active Miocene Waitemata Basin, northern New Zealand
Authors K. B. Spörli and J. V. RowlandABSTRACTThe Miocene Waitemata Basin was deposited on a moving base provided by the Northland Allochthon, which was emplaced in the Late Oligocene, as a new convergent plate boundary was established in northern New Zealand. The basin experienced complex interaction between tectonic and gravity‐driven shallow deformation. Spectacular examples of the resulting structures exposed on eastern Whangaparaoa Peninsula 50 km north of Auckland provide a world‐class example of weak rock deformation, the neglected domain between soft‐sediment and hard rock deformation. Quartz‐poor turbidite sequences display a protracted sequence of deformations: D1, synsedimentary slumping; D2, large scale deeper‐seated sliding and extensional low‐angle shearing, associated with generation of boudinage and broken formation; D3, thrusting and folding, indicating transport mostly to the SE; D4, thrusting and folding in the opposite direction; D5, further folding, including sinistral shear; D6, steep faults. The deformation sequence suggests continuous or intermittent southeastward transport of units with increasing sedimentary and structural burial. By phase D3, the rocks had passed from the soft‐sediment state to low levels of consolidation. However, with a compressive strength of ∼5 MPa they are weak rocks even today. Such weak‐rock deformation must be important in other sedimentary basins, especially those associated with active convergent plate boundaries and with immature source areas for their sediments.
Morphologic variability of exposed mass‐transport deposits on the eastern slope of Gela Basin (Sicily channel)
Authors Daniel Minisini, Fabio Trincardi, Alessandra Asioli, Marcello Canu and Federica FogliniABSTRACTThe NE portion of Gela Basin in the Sicily Channel is affected by multiple slope failures originated during the late‐Quaternary. Basin sequences show evidence of stacked acoustically transparent and/or chaotic units, characterized by irregular upper surfaces, interpreted as mass‐transport deposits. The seafloor morphology also shows evidence of both old, partially buried, as well as recent slide products. Two recent slides exposed at seafloor, only 6 km apart (Twin Slides), are similar in geomorphological parameters, age and multistage evolution. Multistage failure of Twin Slides evolved from mud flows, derived from the extensive failure of less consolidated post‐glacial units, to localized slides (second stage of failure) affecting older and more consolidated materials. Although Twin Slides are very close to each other and have similar runout and fall height, they produced very dissimilar organization of the displaced masses, likely reflecting the distinct source units affected by failures. Integrating geophysical, sedimentological, structural and palaeontological data, a detailed investigation was conducted to determine the size and internal geometry of this mass‐transport complex, to explain the differentiated product and to shed light on its predisposing factors, triggers and timing.
Controls on sediment export from the Waipaoa River basin, New Zealand
Authors Jonathan D. Phillips and Basil GomezABSTRACTA stability model of drainage basin mass balance is used to interpret historic and prehistoric patterns of sediment production, storage and output from the Waipaoa River basin, New Zealand and assess the sensitivity of basin sediment yield to land use change in the historic period. Climate and vegetation cover changed during the late Holocene, but the drainage basin mass balance system was stable before the basin was deforested by European colonists in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In this meso‐scale dispersal system sediment sources and sinks are closely linked, and before that time there was also little variability in the rate of terrigenous mass accumulation on the adjacent continental shelf. However, despite strong first‐order geologic controls on erosion and extensive alluvial storage, sediment delivery to the continental shelf is sensitive and highly responsive to historic hillslope destabilization driven by land use change. Alluvial buffering can mask the effects of variations in sediment production within a basin on sediment yield at the outlet, but this is most likely to occur in basins where alluvial storage is large relative to yield and where the residence time of alluvial sediment is long relative to the time scale of environmental change. At present, neither situation applies to the Waipaoa River basin. Thus, the strength of the contemporary depositional signal may not only be due to the intensity of the erosion processes involved, but also to the fact that land use change in the historic period destabilized the drainage basin mass balance system.
Detrital record of Mesozoic shortening in the Yanshan belt, NE China: testing structural interpretations with basin analysis
Authors Tim D. Cope, Michael R. Shultz and S. A. GrahamABSTRACTThe Yanshan fold‐thrust belt is an exposed portion of a major Mesozoic orogenic system that lies north of Beijing in northeast China. Structures and strata within the Yanshan record a complex history of thrust faulting characterized by multiple deformational events. Initially, Triassic thrusting led to the erosion of a thick sequence of Proterozoic and Palaeozoic sedimentary strata from northern reaches of the thrust belt; Triassic–Lower Jurassic strata that record this episode are deposited in a thin belt south of this zone of erosion. This was followed by postulated Late Jurassic emplacement of a major allochthon (the Chengde thrust plate), which is thought to have overridden structures and strata associated with the Triassic event and is cut by two younger thrusts (the Gubeikou and Chengde County thrusts). The Chengde allochthon is now expressed as a major east–west trending, thrust‐bounded synform (the Chengde synform), which has been interpreted as a folded klippe 20 km wide underlain by a single, north‐vergent thrust fault. Two sedimentary basins, defined on the basis of provenance, geochronology and palaeodispersal trends, developed within the Yanshan belt during Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous time and are closely associated with the Chengde thrust and allied structures. Shouwangfen basin developed in the footwall of the Gubeikou thrust and records syntectonic unroofing of the hanging wall of that fault. Chengde basin developed in part atop Proterozoic strata interpreted as the upper plate of the Chengde allochthon and records unroofing of the adjacent Chengde County thrust. Both the Chengde County thrust and the Gubeikou thrust are younger than emplacement of the postulated Chengde allochthon, and structurally underlie it, yet neither Shouwangfen basin nor Chengde basin contain a detrital record of the erosion of this overlying structure. In addition, facies, palaeodispersal patterns and geochronology of Upper Jurassic strata that are cut by the Chengde thrust suggest only limited (ca. 5 km) displacement along this fault. We suggest that the units forming the Chengde synform are autochthonous, and that the synform is bounded by two limited‐displacement faults of opposing north and south vergence, rather than a single large north‐directed thrust. This conclusion implies that the Yanshan belt experienced far less Late Jurassic shortening than was previously thought, and has major implications for the Mesozoic evolution of the region. Specifically, we argue that the bulk of shortening and uplift in the Yanshan belt was accomplished during Triassic–Early Jurassic time, and that Late Jurassic structures modified and locally ponded sediments from a well‐developed southward drainage system developed atop this older orogen. Although Upper Jurassic strata are widespread throughout the Yanshan belt, it is clear that these strata developed within several discrete intermontane basins that are not correlable across the belt as a single entity. Thus, the Yanshan has no obvious associated foreland basin, and determining where the Mesozoic erosional products of this orogen ultimately lie is one of the more intriguing unresolved questions surrounding the palaeogeography of North China.
Faulting, seismic‐stratigraphic architecture and Late Quaternary evolution of the Gulf of Alkyonides Basin–East Gulf of Corinth, Central Greece
Authors D. Sakellariou, V. Lykousis, S. Alexandri, H. Kaberi, G. Rousakis, P. Nomikou, P. Georgiou and D. BallasABSTRACTSwath bathymetry, single‐channel seismic profiling, gravity and box coring, 210Pb down‐core radiochemical analyses and sequence stratigraphic analysis in the Gulf of Alkyonides yielded new data on the evolution of the easternmost part of the Gulf of Corinth. Three fault segments, the South Strava, West Alkyonides and East Alkyonides faults, dipping 45, 30 and 45°, respectively, northwards, form the southern tectonic boundary of the Alkyonides Basin. Two 45° southwards dipping segments, the Domvrena and Germeno Faults, form the northern tectonic margin. The Alkyonides Basin architecture is the result of a complex interaction between fault dynamics and the effects of changes in climate and sea/lake level. Chrono‐stratigraphic interpretation of the seismic stratigraphy through correlation of the successive seismic packages with lowstands and highstands of the Late Quaternary indicates that the evolution of the basin started 0.40–0.45 Ma BP and can be divided in two stages. Subsidence of the basin floor during the early stage was uniform across the basin and the mean sedimentation rate was 1.0 m kyear−1. Vertical slip acceleration on the southern tectonic margin since 0.13 Ma BP resulted in the present asymmetric character of the basin. Subsidence concentrated close to the southern margin and sedimentation rate increased to 1.4 m kyear−1 in the newly formed depocentre of the basin. Actual (last 100 year) sedimentation rates were calculated to >2 mm year−1, but are significantly influenced by the presence of episodic gravity flow deposits. Total vertical displacement of 1.1 km is estimated between the subsiding Alkyonides Basin floor and the uplifting Megara Basin since the onset of basin subsidence at a mean rate of 2.4–2.75 m kyear−1, recorded on the East Alkyonides Fault. Gravity coring in the Strava Graben and in the lower northern margin of Alkyonides Basin proved the presence of whitish to olive grey laminated mud below thin marine sediments. Aragonite crystals and absence of the marine coccolithophora Emiliania huxleyi indicate sedimentation in lacustrine environment during the last lowstand glacial interval.
Transtensional fault‐termination basins: an important basin type illustrated by the Pliocene San Jose Island basin and related basins in the southern Gulf of California, Mexico
ABSTRACTTranstensional basins are sparsely described in the literature compared with other basin types. The oblique‐divergent plate boundary in the southern Gulf of California has many transtensional basins: we have studied those on San Jose island and two other transtensional basins in the region. One major type of transtensional basin common in the southern Gulf of California region is a fault‐termination basin formed where normal faults splay off of strike‐slip faults. These basins suggest a model for transtensional fault‐termination basins that includes traits that show a hybrid nature between classic rift and strike‐slip (pull‐apart) basins. The traits include combinations of oblique, strike‐slip and normal faults with common steps and bends, buttress unconformities between the fault steps and beyond the ends of faults, a common facies pattern of terrestrial strata changing upward and away from the faults into marine strata, small fault blocks within the basin that result in complex lateral facies relations, common Gilbert deltas, dramatic termination of the margin of the basin by means of fault reorganization and boundary faults dying and an overall short basin history (few million years). Similar transtensional fault‐termination basins are present in Death Valley and other parts of the Eastern California shear zone of the western United States, northern Aegean Sea and along ancient strike‐slip faults.
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