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- Volume 19, Issue 3, 2007
Basin Research - Volume 19, Issue 3, 2007
Volume 19, Issue 3, 2007
Late‐ to post‐orogenic exhumation of the Central Pyrenees revealed through combined thermochronological data and modelling
Authors M. Gibson, H. D. Sinclair, G. J. Lynn and F. M. StuartABSTRACTApatite (U–Th)/He and fission track thermochronometry have been combined with 3D thermal modelling to constrain the late‐ to post‐orogenic exhumation history of the Central Pyrenees, Spain. Data from four massifs immediately north and south of the present drainage divide of the mountain belt reveal a diachroneity in the transition from syn‐ to post‐orogenic forcing of exhumation. Immediately south of the drainage divide, rapid exhumation of ∼1.5 mm year−1 decelerated after ∼30 Ma to ∼0.03 mm year−1. A similar transition occurred immediately north of the drainage divide at the same time. Further south, in the core of the Axial Zone antiformal stack of the Pyrenees, rapid (∼1 mm year−1), syn‐orogenic exhumation continued to ∼20 Ma, but slowed to ∼0.1–0.2 mm year−1 soon after that time. This order of magnitude decrease in exhumation rates across the orogen records the diachronous transition into a post‐orogenic state for the mountain belt. These data do not record rejuvenation of exhumation in Late Miocene or Pliocene times driven either by large‐scale base‐level change or an evolution to more erosive climatic conditions.
Testing long‐term patterns of basin sedimentation by detrital zircon geochronology, Centralian Superbasin, Australia
Authors D. W. Maidment, I. S. Williams and M. HandABSTRACTDetrital zircon geochronology of Neoproterozoic to Devonian sedimentary rocks from the Georgina and Amadeus basins has been used to track changes in provenance that reflect the development and inversion of the former Australian Superbasin. Through much of the Neoproterozoic, sediments appear to have been predominantly derived from local sources in the Arunta and Musgrave inliers. Close similarities between the detrital age signatures of late Neoproterozoic sedimentary rocks in the two basins suggests that they were contiguous at this time. A dominant population of 1.2–1.0 Ga zircon in Early Cambrian sediments of the Amadeus Basin reflects the uplift of the Musgrave Inlier during the Petermann Orogeny between 560 and 520 Ma, which shed a large volume of detritus northwards into the Amadeus Basin. Early Cambrian sedimentary rocks in the Georgina Basin have a much smaller proportion of 1.2–1.0 Ga detritus, possibly due to the formation of sub‐basins along the northern margin of the Amadeus Basin which might have acted as a barrier to sediment transfer. An influx of 0.6–0.5 Ga zircon towards the end of the Cambrian coincides with the transgression of the Larapintine Sea across central Australia, possibly as a result of intracratonic rifting. Detrital zircon age spectra of sedimentary rocks deposited within this epicontinental sea are very similar to those of coeval sedimentary rocks from the Pacific Gondwana margin, implying that sediment was transported into central Australia from the eastern continental margin. The remarkably consistent ‘Pacific Gondwana’ signature of Cambro‐Ordovician sediments in central and eastern Australia reflects a distal source, possibly from east Antarctica or the East African Orogen. The peak of the marine incursion into central Australia in the early to mid Ordovician coincides with granulite‐facies metamorphism at mid‐crustal depths between the Amadeus and Georgina basins (the Larapinta Event). The presence of the epicontinental sea, the relative lack of a local basement zircon component in Cambro‐Ordovician sedimentary rocks and their maturity suggest that metamorphism was not accompanied by mountain building, consistent with an extensional or transtensional setting for this tectonism. Sediments deposited at ∼435–405 and ∼365 Ma during the Alice Springs Orogeny have detrital age signatures similar to those of Cambro‐Ordovician sedimentary rocks, reflecting uplift and reworking of the older succession into narrow foreland basins adjacent to the orogen.
Detrital zircon geochronology of Carboniferous–Cretaceous strata in the Lhasa terrane, Southern Tibet
Authors Andrew L. Leier, Paul Kapp, George E. Gehrels and Peter G. DeCellesABSTRACTSedimentary strata in the Lhasa terrane of southern Tibet record a long but poorly constrained history of basin formation and inversion. To investigate these events, we sampled Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sedimentary rocks in the Lhasa terrane for detrital zircon uranium–lead (U–Pb) analysis. The >700 detrital zircon U–Pb ages reported in this paper provide the first significant detrital zircon data set from the Lhasa terrane and shed new light on the tectonic and depositional history of the region. Collectively, the dominant detrital zircon age populations within these rocks are 100–150, 500–600 and 1000–1400 Ma. Sedimentary strata near Nam Co in central Lhasa are mapped as Lower Cretaceous but detrital zircons with ages younger than 400 Ma are conspicuously absent. The detrital zircon age distribution and other sedimentological evidence suggest that these strata are likely Carboniferous in age, which requires the existence of a previously unrecognized fault or unconformity. Lower Jurassic strata exposed within the Bangong suture between the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes contain populations of detrital zircons with ages between 200 and 500 Ma and 1700 and 2000 Ma. These populations differ from the detrital zircon ages of samples collected in the Lhasa terrane and suggest a unique source area. The Upper Cretaceous Takena Formation contains zircon populations with ages between 100 and 160 Ma, 500 and 600 Ma and 1000 and 1400 Ma. Detrital zircon ages from these strata suggest that several distinct fluvial systems occupied the southern portion of the Lhasa terrane during the Late Cretaceous and that deposition in the basin ceased before 70 Ma. Carboniferous strata exposed within the Lhasa terrane likely served as source rocks for sediments deposited during Cretaceous time. Similarities between the lithologies and detrital zircon age‐probability plots of Carboniferous rocks in the Lhasa and Qiangtang terranes and Tethyan strata in the Himalaya suggest that these areas were located proximal to one another within Gondwanaland. U–Pb ages of detrital zircons from our samples and differences between the geographic distribution of igneous rocks within the Tibetan plateau suggest that it is possible to discriminate a southern vs. northern provenance signature using detrital zircon age populations.
Unstable Asia: active deformation of Siberia revealed by drainage shifts
Authors Mark B. Allen and Clare E. DaviesABSTRACTRegional incision and lateral shifts of rivers in the West Siberian Basin and surrounding areas show the action of long wavelength surface tilting, directed away from the Urals and Central Asian mountains and towards the Siberian Craton. In the north of the basin, surface uplift of individual folds is recorded by local lateral drainage migration. Lateral slopes of river valleys vary in gradient from 0.001 to 0.0001, generally decreasing with increasing river discharge. As a result of this surface deformation significant drainage shifts are taking place in three of the longest and highest discharge river systems on Earth: the Yenisei, Ob' and Irtysh. The deformation is most plausibly caused by subtle faulting at depth, below the thick basin fill of Mesozoic and Lower Cenozoic sediments. Active deformation of western Siberia appears to represent a previously unrecognised, far‐field effect of the India–Eurasia collision, up to ∼1500 km north of the limit of major seismicity and mountain building. It adds ∼2.5 × 106 km2 to the region deformed by the collision, which is an area greater than the Himalayas and Tibet combined. It is also an analogue for the formation of low‐angle unconformities in terrestrial sedimentary basins on the periphery of other orogenic belts.
Orthogonal to oblique rifting: effect of rift basin orientation in the evolution of the North basin, Malawi Rift, East Africa
Authors E. Mortimer, D. A. Paton, C. A. Scholz, M. R. Strecker and P. BlisniukABSTRACTThe East African Rift system has long been considered the best modern example of the initial stages of continental rifting. The Malawi Rift is characteristic of the western branch of the East African Rift system, composed of half‐grabens of opposing asymmetry along its length. There are striking similarities between basins within the Malawi Rift, and others along the western branch. Each exhibits similar bathymetry, border‐fault length, rift zone width and fault segment length. The North Basin of the Malawi Rift differs from others in the rift only in its orientation: trending NW–SE as opposed to N–S. Although there is general agreement as to the geometry of the Malawi Rift; debate as to the amount of strike–slip vs. dip–slip deformation and the influence of underlying Pan‐African foliation remains. This study presents new data from a closely spaced shallow [2 s two‐way travel time (TWT)] seismic reflection data set integrated with basin‐scale deeper (6 s TWT) seismic reflection data that document the structural evolution of the border and intra‐basin faults. These data reveal that the different trend of the North Basin, most likely to have been influenced by the underlying Pan‐African foliation, has played an extremely important role in the structural style of basin evolution. The border‐fault and intra‐basin structures nucleated during extension that was initially orthogonal (ENE). During this time (>8.6 to ∼0.5–0.4 Ma) intra‐basin faults synthetic to the west‐dipping border‐fault nucleated, whereas strain was localised on the segmented border‐fault early on. A later rotation of extension orientation (to NW) led to these established faults orienting oblique to rifting. This generated an overall dextral strike–slip setting that led to the development of transfer faults adjacent to the border‐fault, and the generation of flower structures and folds over the greater displacement intra‐basin faults.
Normal fault development in a sedimentary succession with multiple detachment levels: the Lower Cretaceous Oliete sub‐basin, Eastern Spain
Authors J. P. Rodríguez‐López, C. L. Liesa, N. Meléndez and A. R. SoriaABSTRACTField exposures of Lower Cretaceous strata in the Oliete sub‐basin (eastern Spain) allow identification of syn‐rift features such as listric and planar normal faults, rotated fault blocks, fault‐related folds, sharp thickness variations and wedge‐shaped sedimentary geometries, as well as intra‐rift angular unconformities defined by the erosive truncation of rotated fault blocks and the onlap of upper units. The combined use of both stratigraphic and extensional tectonic features at the outcrop scale has allowed us to characterise different syn‐sedimentary tectonic events and their correlation between the footwall and the hangingwall block of the major extensional Gargallo fault. Such events have been interpreted as induced by the major Gargallo fault activity, and they are the basis for proposing a polyphase evolutionary model for this master fault. Data indicate that the deformation tends not to be concentrated on the major fault; instead, it is distributed over a wide area. We interpret that both the interlayered detachment levels in the pre‐rift (especially the Late Triassic Keuper Facies) and syn‐rift series, together with the rheology of the sedimentary pile, play an important role in transmitting deformation from master faults to hangingwall and footwall blocks.
Geometry of half‐grabens containing a mid‐level viscous décollement
Authors Ruth Soto, Antonio M. Casas‐Sainz and Pedro Del RíoABSTRACTIn this work, we explore by means of analogue models how different basin‐bounding fault geometries and thickness of a viscous layer within the otherwise brittle pre‐rift sequence influence the deformation and sedimentary patterns of basins related to extension. The experimental device consists of a rigid wooden basement in the footwall to simulate a listric fault. The hangingwall consists of a sequence of pre‐rift deposits, including the shallow interlayered viscous layer, and a syn‐rift sequence deposited at constant intervals during extension. Two different geometries exist of listric normal faults, dip at 30 and 60° at surface. This imposes different geometries in the hangingwall anticlines and their associated sedimentary basins. A strong contrast exists between models with and without a viscous layer. With a viscous décollement, areas near the main basement fault show a wide normal drag and the hangingwall basin is gently synclinal, with dips in the fault side progressively shallowing upwards. A secondary roll‐over structure appears in some of the models. Other structures are: (1) reverse faults dipping steeply towards the main fault, (2) antithetic faults in the footwall, appearing only in models with the 30° dipping fault and silicone‐level thicknesses of 1 and 1.5 cm and (3) listric normal faults linked to the termination of the detachment level opposite to the main fault, with significant thickness changes in the syn‐tectonic units. The experiments demonstrate the importance of detachment level in conditioning the geometry of extensional sedimentary basins and the possibility of syncline basin geometries associated with a main basement fault. Comparison with several basins with half‐graben geometries containing a mid‐level décollement supports the experimental results and constrains their interpretation.
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