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- Volume 23, Issue 2, 2011
Basin Research - Volume 23, Issue 2, 2011
Volume 23, Issue 2, 2011
New constraints on the Messinian sealevel drawdown from 3D seismic data of the Ebro Margin, western Mediterranean
ABSTRACTWe present new 3D seismic and well data from the Ebro Margin, NW Mediterranean Sea, to shed new light on the processes that formed the Messinian Erosion Surfaces (MES) of the Valencia Trough (Mediterranean Sea). We combine these data with backstripping techniques to provide a minimum estimate of the Messinian sea level fall in the EBRO Margin, as well as coupled isostasy and river incision and transport modeling to offer new constraints on the evolution of the adjacent subaerial Ebro Basin. Four major seismic units are identified on the Cenozoic Ebro Margin, based on the seismic data, including two major prograding megasequences that are separated by a major unconfirmity: the MES. The 3D seismic data provide an unprecedented view of the MES and display characteristic features of subaerial incision, including a drainage network with tributaries of at least five different orders, terraces and meandering rivers. The Messinian landscape presents a characteristic stepped‐like profile that allows the margin to be subdivided in three different regions roughly parallel to the coastline. No major tectonic control exists on the boundaries between these regions. The boundary between the two most distal regions marks the location of a relatively stable base level, and this is used in backstripping analysis to estimate the magnitude of sea level drop associated with the Messinian Salinity Crisis on the Ebro Margin. The MES on the Ebro Margin is dominated by a major fluvial system, that we identify here as the Messinian Ebro River. The 3D seismic data, onshore geology and modeling results indicate that the Ebro River drained the Ebro Basin well in advance of the Messinian.
Deformed Messinian markers in the Cyprus Arc: tectonic and/or Messinian Salinity Crisis indicators?
Authors Agnès Maillard, Christian Hübscher, Jean Benkhelil and Elias TahchiABSTRACTThis paper focuses on Messinian Salinity Crisis (MSC) evaporites in the Cyprus Arc (eastern Mediterranean) using high‐resolution reflection seismic and multi‐beam data. The results shed new light on the Miocene to Present tectonic evolution of this area and contribute to our general knowledge of the MSC in a deep basin setting. The evaporites and overlying formations show a complex deformation pattern due to a combination of thick‐skinned plate‐tectonic convergence and thin‐skinned disharmonic deformation related to the mobile evaporite‐bearing unit. Several MSC markers are identified and precisely mapped: the base of the MSC unit is a ‘decollement’ level, whereas the top is clearly identified as a toplap surface. Intra‐MSC markers and two MSC subunits are identified and mapped over the entire study area. The geometry of MSC markers shows that the lower MSC subunit was deposited in a relatively quiet tectonic setting. The nature of the anisopachous upper unit indicates a syn‐depositional phase of large‐scale plate‐tectonic activity. A thin‐skinned phase of compressional deformation during the Late Miocene affected the entire MSC unit, overlain by undeformed Pliocene–Quaternary layers. A second thin‐skinned phase, well expressed in the bathymetry, occurred from the Pliocene to Recent, resulting in extensional gravity‐gliding within the evaporites and the Pliocene–Quaternary sequence. We show that the MSC had a dramatic impact on the regional structure. For instance, the erosive nature of the top of the MSC unit is linked to the desiccation episode rather than to the cessation of tectonic activity. This particularly strong and short‐lived erosion may have been enhanced by the regional effects of the MSC, owing to differential uplift/subsidence caused by the drawdown. The evaporites are essential markers for constraining the tectonic framework, provided that active deformation can be distinguished from passive gliding associated with extensional/contractional deformation.
Holocene mass‐wasting events in Lago Fagnano, Tierra del Fuego (54°S): implications for paleoseismicity of the Magallanes‐Fagnano transform fault
ABSTRACTHigh‐resolution seismic imaging and coring in Lago Fagnano, located along a plate boundary in Tierra del Fuego, have revealed a dated sequence of Holocene mass‐wasting events. These structures are interpreted as sediment mobilizations resulting from loading of the slope‐adjacent lake floor during mass‐flow deposition. More than 19 mass‐flow deposits have been identified, combining results from 800 km of gridded seismic profiles used to site sediment cores. Successions of up to 6‐m thick mass‐flow deposits, pond atop the basin floor and spread eastward and westward following the main axis of the eastern sub‐basin of Lago Fagnano. We developed an age model, on the basis of information from previous studies and from new AMS‐14C ages on cored sediments, which allows us to establish a well‐constrained chronologic mass‐wasting event‐catalogue covering the last ∼12 000 years. Simultaneously triggered, basin‐wide lateral slope failure and the formation of multiple debris flow and postulated megaturbidite deposits are interpreted as the fingerprint of paleo‐seismic activity along the Magallanes‐Fagnano transform fault that runs along the entire lake basin. The slope failures and megaturbidites are interpreted as recording large earthquakes occurring along the transform fault since the early Holocene. The results from this study provide new data about the frequency and possible magnitude of Holocene earthquakes in Tierra del Fuego, which can be applied in the context of seismic hazard assessment in southernmost Patagonia.
Structure and recent evolution of the Hazar Basin: a strike‐slip basin on the East Anatolian Fault, Eastern Turkey
Authors D. Garcia Moreno, A. Hubert‐Ferrari, J. Moernaut, J. G. Fraser, X. Boes, M. Van Daele, U. Avsar, N. Çağatay and M. De BatistABSTRACTThe Hazar Basin is a 25 km‐long, 7 km‐wide and 216 m‐deep depression located on the central section of the East Anatolian Fault zone (eastern Turkey) and predominantly overlain by Lake Hazar. This basin has been described previously as a pull‐apart basin because of its rhombic shape and an apparent fault step‐over between the main fault traces situated at the southwestern and northeastern ends of the lake. However, detailed structural investigation beneath Lake Hazar has not been undertaken previously to verify this interpretation. Geophysical and sedimentological data from Lake Hazar were collected during field campaigns in 2006 and 2007. The analysis of this data reveals that the main strand of the East Anatolian Fault (the Master Fault) is continuous across the Hazar Basin, connecting the two segments previously assumed to be the sidewall faults of a pull‐apart structure. In the northeastern part of the lake, an asymmetrical subsiding sub‐basin, bounded by two major faults, is cross‐cut by the Master Fault, which forms a releasing bend within the lake. Comparison of the structure revealed by this study with analogue models produced for transtensional step‐overs suggests that the Hazar Basin structure represents a highly evolved pull‐apart basin, to the extent that the previous asperity has been bypassed by a linking fault. The absence of a step‐over structure at the Hazar Basin means that no significant segmentation boundary is recognised on the East Anatolian Fault between Palu and Sincik. Therefore, this fault segment is capable of causing larger earthquakes than recognised previously.
Evolution of salt structures in the northern Paradox Basin: controls on evaporite deposition, salt wall growth and supra‐salt stratigraphic architecture
More LessABSTRACTThe northern Paradox Basin evolved during the Late Pennsylvanian–Permian as an immobile foreland basin, the result of flexural subsidence in the footwall of the growing Uncompahgre Ancestral Rocky Mountain thick‐skinned uplift. During the Atokan‐Desmoinesian (∼313–306 Ma) fluctuating glacio‐eustatic sea levels deposited an ∼2500 m thick sequence of evaporites (Paradox Formation) in the foreland basin, interfingering with coarse clastics in the foredeep and carbonates around the basin margins. The cyclic deposition of the evaporites produced a repetitive sequence of primarily halite, with minor clastics, organic shales and anhydrite. Sediment loading of the evaporites subsequently produced a series of salt walls and minibasins, through the process of passive diapirism or downbuilding. Faults at the top Mississippian level localised the development of linear salt walls (up to 4500 m high) along a NW–SE trend. A crosscutting NE–SW structural trend was also important in controlling the evaporite facies and the abrupt termination of the salt walls. Seismic, well and field data define the proximal Cutler Group (Permian) as a basinward prograding sequence derived from the growing Uncompahgre uplift that drove salt basinwards (towards the southwest), triggering the growth of the salt walls. Sequential structural restorations indicate that the most proximal salt walls evolved earlier than the more distal ones. The successive development of salt‐withdrawal minibasins associated with each growing salt wall implies that parts of the Cutler Group in one minibasin may have no chronostratigraphic equivalent in other minibasins. Localised changes in along‐strike salt wall growth and evolution were critical in the development of facies and thickness variations in the late Pennsylvanian to Triassic stratigraphic sequences in the flanking minibasins. Salt was probably at or very close to the surface during the downbuilding process leading to localised thinning, deposition of diapir‐derived detritus and rapid facies changes in sequences adjacent to the salt wall structures.
The contribution of peat compaction to total basin subsidence: implications for the provision of accommodation space in organic‐rich deltas
More LessABSTRACTProvision of accommodation space for aggradation in Holocene deltaic basins is usually ascribed to eustatic sea‐level rise and/or land subsidence due to isostasy, tectonics or sediment compaction. Whereas many Holocene deltas contain peat, the relative contribution of peat compaction to total subsidence has not yet been quantified from field data covering an entire delta. Subsidence due to peat compaction potentially influences temporal and spatial sedimentation patterns, and therefore alluvial architecture. Quantification of the amount and rate of peat compaction was done based on (1) estimates of the initial dry bulk density of peat, derived from a relation between dry bulk density and organic‐matter content of uncompacted peat samples and (2) radiocarbon‐dated basal peat used to reconstruct initial levels of peat formation of currently subsided peat samples. In the Rhine‐Meuse delta, peat compaction has contributed considerably to total basin subsidence. Depending on the thickness of the compressible sequence, weight of the overburden and organic‐matter content of peat, subsidence of up to approximately 3 m in a 10‐m thick Holocene sequence has been calculated. Calculated local subsidence rates of peat levels are up to 0.6 mm year−1, averaged over millennia, which are twice the estimated Holocene‐averaged basin subsidence rates of 0.1–0.3 mm year−1 in the study area. Higher rates of subsidence due to compaction, on the order of a few mm year−1, occur over decades to centuries, following a substantial increase in effective stress caused by sediment loading. Without such an increase in effective stress, peat layers may accumulate for thousands of years with little compaction. Thus, the contribution of peat compaction to total delta subsidence is variable in time. Locally, up to 40% of total Holocene accommodation space has been provided by peat compaction. Implications of the large amount of accommodation space created by peat compaction in deltaic basins are: (1) increased sediment trap efficiency in deltas, which decelerates delta progradation and enhances the formation of relatively thick clastic sequences and (2) enhanced local formation of thick natural levees by renewing existing accommodation space.
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