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- Volume 28, Issue 1, 2016
Basin Research - Volume 28, Issue 1, 2016
Volume 28, Issue 1, 2016
Thermal evolution and shale gas potential estimation of the Wealden and Posidonia Shale in NW‐Germany and the Netherlands: a 3D basin modelling study
Authors B. Bruns, R. Littke, M. Gasparik, J.‐D. van Wees and S. NelskampAbstractSedimentary basins in NW‐Germany and the Netherlands represent potential targets for shale gas exploration in Europe due to the presence of Cretaceous (Wealden) and Jurassic (Posidonia) marlstones/shales as well as various Carboniferous black shales. In order to assess the regional shale gas prospectivity of this area, a 3D high‐resolution petroleum system model has been compiled and used to reconstruct the source‐rock maturation based on calibrated burial and thermal histories. Different basal heat flow scenarios and accordingly, different high‐resolution scenarios of erosional amount distribution were constructed, incorporating all major uplift events that affected the study area. The model delivers an independent 3D reappraisal of the tectonic and thermal history that controlled the differential geodynamic evolution and provides a high‐resolution image of the maturity distribution and evolution throughout the study area and the different basins. Pressure, temperature and TOC‐dependent gas storage capacity and gas contents of the Posidonia Shale and Wealden were calculated based on experimentally derived Langmuir sorption parameters and newly compiled source‐rock thickness maps indicating shale gas potential of the Lower Saxony Basin, southern Gifhorn Trough and West Netherlands Basin.
Relay zone evolution: a history of repeated fault propagation and linkage, central Corinth rift, Greece
Authors Romain Hemelsdaël and Mary FordAbstractEstablished models indicate that, before being breached, relay zones along rift borders can evolve either by lengthening and rotating during progressive overlap of growing fault segments (isolated fault model), or, by simply rotating without lengthening before breaching (coherent fault model). The spatio‐temporal distribution of vertical motions in a relay zone can thus be used to distinguish fault growth mechanisms. Depositional relay zones that develop at sea level and accommodate both deposition on the ramp itself as well as transfer of sediments from the uplifting footwall into the hangingwall depocentres and provide the most complete record of vertical motions. We examine the development of a depositional relay ramp on the border of the active Corinth rift, Greece to reconstruct fault interaction in time and space using both onshore and offshore (2D seismic lines) data. The Akrata relay zone developed over a period of ca. 0.5 Myr since the Middle Pleistocene between the newly forming East Helike Fault (EHF) that propagated towards the older, more established Derveni Fault (DF). The relay zone captured the Krathis River, which deposited prograding Gilbert‐type deltas on the sub‐horizontal ramp. Successive oblique faults record progressive linkage and basinward migration of accommodation along the ramp axis, whereas marine terraces record diachronous uplift in their footwalls. Although early linkage of the relay zone occurs, continuous propagation and linkage of the EHF onto the static DF is recorded before final beaching. Rotation on forced folds above the upward and laterally propagating normal faults at the borders of the relay zone represents the ramp hinges. The Akrata relay zone cannot be compared directly to a simple fault growth model because (1) the relay zone connects two fault segments of different generations; (2) multiple linkages during propagation was facilitated by the presence of pre‐existing crustal structures, inherited from the Hellenide fold and thrust belt. The linkage of the EHF to the DF contributed to the westward and northward propagation of the southern rift border.
The sedimentary record of the Issyk Kul basin, Kyrgyzstan: climatic and tectonic inferences
AbstractA broad array of new provenance and stable isotope data are presented from two magnetostratigraphically dated sections in the south‐eastern Issyk Kul basin of the Central Kyrgyz Tien Shan. The results presented here are discussed and interpreted for two plausible magnetostratigraphic age models. A combination of zircon U‐Pb provenance, paleocurrent and conglomerate clast count analyses is used to determine sediment provenance. This analysis reveals that the first coarse‐grained, syn‐tectonic sediments (Dzhety Oguz formation) were sourced from the nearby Terskey Range, supporting previous thermochronology‐based estimates of a ca. 25–20 Ma onset of deformation in the range. Climate variations are inferred using carbonate stable isotope (δ18O and δ13C) data from 53 samples collected in the two sections and are compared with the oxygen isotope compositions of modern water from 128 samples. Two key features are identified in the stable isotope data set derived from the sediments: (1) isotope values, in particular δ13C, decrease between ca. 26.0 and 23.6 or 25.6 and 21.0 Ma, and (2) the scatter of δ18O values increased significantly after ca. 22.6 or 16.9 Ma. The first feature is interpreted to reflect progressively wetter conditions. Because this feature slightly post‐dates the onset of deformation in the Terskey Range, we suggest that it has been caused by orographically enhanced precipitation, implying that surface uplift accompanied late Cenozoic deformation and rock uplift in the Terskey Range. The increased scatter could reflect variable moisture source or availability caused by global climate change following the onset of Miocene glaciations at ca. 22.6 Ma, or enhanced evaporation during the Mid‐Miocene climatic optimum at ca. 17–15 Ma.
Structural style and evolution of a salt‐influenced rift basin margin; the impact of variations in salt composition and the role of polyphase extension
Authors Christopher A.‐L. Jackson and Matthew M. LewisAbstractBecause salt can decouple sub‐ and supra‐salt deformation, the structural style and evolution of salt‐influenced rifts differs from those developed in megoscopically homogenous and brittle crust. Our understanding of the structural style and evolution of salt‐influenced rifts comes from scaled physical models, or subsurface‐based studies that have utilised moderate‐quality 2D seismic reflection data. Relatively few studies have used high‐quality 3D seismic reflection data, constrained by borehole data, to explicitly focus on the role that along‐strike displacement variations on sub‐salt fault systems, or changes in salt composition and thickness, play in controlling the four‐dimensional evolution of supra‐salt structural styles. In this study, we use 3D seismic reflection and borehole data from the Sele High Fault System (SHFS), offshore Norway to determine how rift‐related relief controlled the thickness and lithology of an Upper Permian salt‐bearing layer (Zechstein Supergroup), and how the associated variations in the mechanical properties of this unit influenced the degree of coupling between sub‐ and supra‐salt deformation during subsequent extension. Seismic and borehole data indicate that the Zechstein Supergroup is thin, carbonate‐dominated and immobile at the footwall apex, but thick, halite‐dominated and relatively mobile in high accommodation areas, such as near the lateral fault tips and in the immediate hangingwall of the fault system. We infer that these variations reflect bathymetric changes related to either syn‐depositional (i.e. Late Permian) growth of the SHFS or underfilled, fault scarp‐related relief inherited from a preceding (i.e. Early Permian) rift phase. After a period of tectonic quiescence in the Early Triassic, regional extension during the Late Triassic triggered halokinesis and growth of a fault‐parallel salt wall, which was followed by mild extension in the Jurassic and forced folding of Triassic overburden above the fault systems upper tip. During the Early Cretaceous, basement‐involved extension resulted in noncoaxial tilting of the footwall, and the development of an supra‐salt normal fault array, which was restricted to footwall areas underlain by relatively thick mobile salt; in contrast, at the footwall apex, no deformation occurred because salt was thin and immobile. The results of our study demonstrate close coupling between tectonics, salt deposition and the style of overburden deformation for >180 Myr of the rift history. Furthermore, we show that rift basin tectono‐stratigraphic models based on relatively megascopically homogeneous and brittle crust do not appropriately describe the range of structural styles that occur in salt‐influenced rifts.
The response of a basin‐scale Miocene barrier reef system to long‐term, strong subsidence on a passive continental margin, Barcoo Sub‐basin, Australian North West Shelf
Authors Beke Rosleff‐Soerensen, Lars Reuning, Stefan Back and Peter A. KuklaAbstractThe Miocene sedimentary succession of the southern Browse Basin records the response of a tropical reef system to long‐term, strong subsidence on a passive continental margin. Geological interpretation of a comprehensive two‐dimensional (2D) seismic reflectivity data set documents for the first time the development of a continuous Miocene barrier reef on the Australian North West Shelf. With a length of over 250 km, this barrier reef is among the Earth's largest in the Neogene record. A sequence stratigraphic analysis tied to well data shows that the main controls for the evolution, growth and demise of the reef system were subsidence, third‐order global‐scale eustatic variations and antecedent topography. The generally very high Miocene subsidence rates estimated for the study area cannot be explained by typical passive‐margin subsidence controlled by lithospheric cooling and sedimentary loading alone. Additional dynamic subsidence induced by mantle convection, though documented as unusually large on the northern margin of Australia during the Neogene, can be also regarded as being of only minor importance. Therefore, accelerated tectonic subsidence related to the collision of the Australian and Eurasian Plates 250–500 km north of the study area seems to exert an important influence on reef development and demise, complicated by local tectonic inversion. The Miocene tectonic reactivation and inversion of an older structural grain is interpreted to have controlled the reef development considerably by providing localized topographic highs along transpressional anticlines above basement‐rooted faults that served as preferential sites for reef growth and retreat during times of rapidly rising sea level. This exemplarily shows that the far‐field effects of collision‐induced tectonic subsidence can significantly influence carbonate systems on passive margins.
Numerical modelling of Quaternary terrace staircase formation in the Ebro foreland basin, southern Pyrenees, NE Iberia
More LessAbstractThe southern foreland basin of the Pyrenees (Ebro basin) is an exorheic drainage basin since Late Miocene times. Remnants of an early exorheic Ebro drainage system are not preserved, but morphology provides evidence for the Pliocene–Quaternary drainage development. The incision history of the Ebro system is denoted by (i) extensive, low gradient pedimentation surfaces which are associated with the denudation of the southern Pyrenean piedmont around the Pliocene–Quaternary transition and (ii) deeply entrenched Quaternary river valleys. Presumably since the Middle Pleistocene fluvial incision intensified involving the formation of extensive terrace staircase in the Ebro basin. Terrace exposure dating in major Ebro tributary rivers indicates climate‐triggered terrace formation in response to glacial–interglacial climate and glacier fluctuations in the Pyrenean headwaters. The overall (semi)parallel longitudinal terrace profiles argue for progressive base level lowering for the whole Ebro drainage network. The landscape evolution model, TISC, is used to evaluate climatic, tectonic and base level scenarios for terrace staircase formation in the Ebro drainage system. Model simulations are compared with morpho‐climatic, tectonic and chronologic data. Results show that climatic fluctuations cause terrace formation, but the incision magnitudes and convergent terrace profiles predicted by this climate model scenario are not consistent with the (semi)parallel terraces in the Ebro basin. A model including previous (late Pliocene) uplift of the lower Ebro basin results in rapid base‐level lowering and erosion along the drainage network, small late stage incision magnitudes and terrace convergence, which are not in agreement with observations. Instead, continuous Quaternary uplift of both the Pyrenees and the Ebro foreland basin triggers (semi)parallel terrace staircase formation in southern Pyrenean tributary rivers in consistency with the observed longitudinal terrace profiles and Middle–Late Pleistocene incision magnitudes. Forward model simulations indicate that the present Ebro drainage system is actively incising, providing further evidence for uplift.
Late Triassic initial subduction of the Bangong‐Nujiang Ocean beneath Qiangtang revealed: stratigraphic and geochronological evidence from Gaize, Tibet
Authors Min Zeng, Xiang Zhang, Hui Cao, Frank R. Ettensohn, Wenbin Cheng and Xinghai LangAbstractSedimentological and geochronological studies along a north–south traverse across the Bangong‐Nujiang suture zone (BNSZ) in Gaize, Tibet provide evidence for a Late Triassic–Jurassic accretionary wedge accreted to the south margin of Qiangtang. This wedge, preserved as the Mugagangri Group (MG), records evidence for the northward subduction of the Bangong‐Nujiang Ocean (BNO) beneath Qiangtang. The MG strata comprise two coarser intervals (lower olistostromes and upper conglomerates) intercalated within sandy turbidites, which are consistent with timing and forearc stratigraphy during subduction initiation predicted by geodynamic modelling. Following the model, the northward subduction of the BNO beneath Qiangtang and subsequent arc‐magmatism are inferred to have begun, respectively, at ca. 220 Ma and ca. 210 Ma, with respect to depositional ages constrained by youngest detrital‐zircon ages. The initiation of arc‐magmatism is also supported by provenance transition reflected by sandstone detrital modes and age patterns of detrital zircons. Previously, evidence for an incipient arc was lacking, but the timing of Late Triassic BNO subduction and related arc‐magmatism is coincident with an important Late Triassic magmatic event in central Qiangtang that probably represents the ‘missing’ arc. Other Qiangtang events, such as exhumation of the Qiangtang metamorphic belt as a source area, and development of the Late Triassic Nadigangri deposits and bimodal volcanism, are more easily explained in the tectonic context of early northward subduction of the BNO beneath Qiangtang, beginning at about 220 Ma.
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