
P004 LARGE-SCALE GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES IN THE LEGIO IV SCYTHICA IN ZEUGMA-TURKEY Abstract 1 MAHMUT G. DRAHOR 1 MARTIN HARTMANN 2 AND MICHAEL A. SPIEDEL 2 * Dokuz Eylül University Engineering Faculty Dept. Of Geophysics 35160 Kaynaklar Campus Buca-Izmir/Turkey + HIstorIsches InstItut Abt. Alte GeschIchte u. EpIgraphIk Länggassstr. 49 CH-3000 Bern 9 / Switzerland. Zeugma was the most important city between the Mesopotamia and Mediterranean in the antique era and the city was also the main passing point in the Euphrates River. Zeugma and Apameia city were at the opposite sites of the river Euphrates and these cities were established in


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