
B24 BERKINE BASIN OILS ALGERIA – GEOCHEMICAL CORRELATION BY GC AND SPECTROSCOPIC FTIR AND SUVF 1 A. PERMANYER 1 J.NAVARRO 2 O. ABBAS 3 C. RÉBUFA 3 and J. KISTER 3 1 Dt. Geoquímica Petrologia i Prospecció Geològica Universitat de Barcelona . Barcelona Spain 2 Cepsa E.P. S.A. c/ Ribera del Loira 50. 28042-Madrid Spain 3 Université d’Aix-Marseille III CNRS UMR 6171 Marseille France Abstract FTIR and SUVF helped to define complementary parameters to show differences between oils of the Berkine Basin in Algeria. These differences are probably linked to different oil source rocks oil evolution and reservoir compartmentalization. Key


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