f Hassi Messaoud Field Geomechanical Model & Its Applications
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 2nd EAGE North African/Mediterranean Petroleum & Geosciences Conference & Exhibition, Apr 2005, cp-11-00055
- ISBN: 978-90-73781-38-2
P01 HASSI MESSAOUD FIELD GEOMECHANICAL MODEL & ITS APPLICATIONS Abstract 1 M. MERAD¹ S. MEKMOUCHE² and M. BENAMEUR³ Geomechanical modeling has been shown to compress cycle time in well planning and potentially be applied to field development planning. Static modeling provides a prediction along chosen well path. A full 3D interactive process allows dynamic well planning to optimize drilling & production a new well path can be chosen to match production objectives and avoid sanding. Schlumberger experience in geomechanical modeling can help in well construction and field development planning in Hassi Messaoud field. Schlumberger experience in 3D interactive modeling can