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A Chemical Solution to Increase Oil Production whilst Minimising Water Production Using Polymeric Selective Water Shut Off Gels
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, IOR 2005 - 13th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Apr 2005, cp-12-00032
D29 A CHEMICAL SOLUTION TO INCREASING OIL PRODUCTION WHILST MINIMISING WATER PRODUCTION USING POLYMERIC SELECTIVE WATER SHUT OFF GELS ABSTRACT 1 Three successive selective water shut off treatments (SWSO) have been performed on a single North Sea well. The target well was a vertical cased perforated and gas lifted producer in a mature high scale potential asset in the UKCS. Reservoir temperature was 121°C and permeability ranged from 100 – 1000 mD. All three treatments were pumped as part of a scale inhibitor squeeze intervention being contained in the final portion of the over flush. In one case water production