
P037 ON THE USE OF SP AND ERT DATA TO BUILD A SIMPLE MODEL OF NEAR-SURFACE FLOW M. BEHAEGEL 1 P. SAILHAC 1 G. MARQUIS 1 E. FALGAS 2 and J. LEDO 2 1 1 EOST – CNRS UMR 7516 5 rue René Descartes 67084 Strasbourg Cedex France [email protected] 2 Universitat de Barcelona. Dept. Geodinamica I Geofísica. C/Martí i Franques s/n 08028 Barcelona. [email protected] INTRODUCTION The Self-Potential (SP) method is one of the hydrogeophysical methods that provides information concerning underground water flow. Indeed hydraulic currents generate underground electrical currents (tens of mV) through electrokinetic coupling. Following SP time variations allows


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