oa Physical Simulation of In-situ Combustion of Sensitive Heavy Oil Reservoir
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, IPTC 2007: International Petroleum Technology Conference, Dec 2007, cp-147-00251
Block Z, one of reservoir of Shengli Oil Field, is a sensitive heavy oil reservoir with high content of kaolinite and illite. From 1992 to<br>2002, more than ten-years water drive and steam huff and puff has seen poor production performance. In 2003, in-situ combustion pilot<br>test with 1 injector and 11 producers was carried out to improve development performance and, simultaneously physical simulation is<br>designed to evaluate the pilot test. The paper will detail the physical experiments of in-situ combustion, its experiment apparatus, its<br>process, and its results. Also, it will briefl y introduce production history and performance of pilot test.