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Antarctic Glaciations' Analysis by Reflection and Refraction Tomography
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 63rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2001, cp-15-00430
N-30 ANTARCTIC GLACIATIONS’ ANALYSIS BY REFLECTION AND REFRACTION TOMOGRAPHY GUALTIERO BÖHM GIULIANO BRANCOLINI and FLAVIO ACCAINO 1 OGS Borgo Grotta Gigante 34010 Sgonico TR Italy Abstract The evolution of the Antarctic ice sheet left geological footprints in the shallowest offshore formations: over-compacted and less consolidated sediments in alternate layers reveal a different ice load during the expansion or regression of the ice sheet. We jointly inverted reflected and head waves for detecting the vertical and lateral seismic velocity variation. From our velocity estimate we recognise a major velocity anomaly corresponding to a basin-wide unconformity that we interpret as the result