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4D Overpressure Modelling and Prospectivity - an Example from the North Sea
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 63rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2001, cp-15-00076
O-33 4D OVERPRESSURE MODELLING AND PROSPECTIVITY – AN EXAMPLE FROM THE NORTH SEA 1 M.R. GILES E. DUFOUR L. SANCHEZ-RODRIGUEZ G.R. COCKSWORTH S. BETTEMBOURG J.F. McNUTT P. KUKLA S.L. INDRELID and M.C. de JONG Shell International E&P Volmerlaan 8 PO Box 60 2280 AB Rijswijk The Netherlands Abstract As basins around the world are moving into a higher state of maturation the shallower and easier targets will become exhausted. An increased push towards the deeper prospects where there is a greater probability of encountering hard geopressures is becoming reality for more and more areas in the exploration portfolio. It is