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Examination of the Marathon Dam by the Use of Geophysical Methods
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 63rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2001, cp-15-00442
P134 EXAMINATION OF THE MARATHON DAM BY THE USE OF GEOPHYSICAL METHODS Summary 1 Geophysical investigations were conducted at the site of the Marathon Dam. The project was aiming to test the Dam after the Athens earthquake of 7/9/1999. Implemented methods included geoelectrical seismic and GPR techniques. The results indicated the existence of areas with high conductivity which can be associated with possible leakage and others with low seismic velocity which can be associated with unconsolidated material. Introduction V. K. KARASTATHIS 1 P. N. KARMIS 2 G. DRAKATOS 1 and G. STAVRAKAKIS 1 1 National Observatory of Athens Geodynamics Institute