
P517 NEW ASPECTS OF VERTICAL GAS MIGRATION ZONES IN THE NORTHERN PART OF WEST SIBERIA R.M. GATAULIN Basheneftegeofizika 3 Luganskaya Ufa 450071 Bashkortostan Russia Summary 1 Many various hypotheses of hydrocarbon genesis and accumulation in super giant gas/condensate/oil fields in the northern part of West Siberia (the Yamburg gas/condensate field for example) are well known. Generally all research was related to shallow Aptian-Albian-Cenomanian (Pokur Formation) reservoirs. Some scientists regard aspects of: biogenic mechanism (CO2 reduction) or low maturity thermogenic model or both together. Others suggest deep origin of Cenomanian gas from Jurassic Triassic and Upper Paleozoic source rock. Author supports


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