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A New Experimental Set-Up for the Study of the Formation and Dissociation of Methane Hydrate in Sédiments
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 63rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition, Jun 2001, cp-15-00178
P562 A NEW EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP FOR THE STUDY OF THE FORMATION AND DISSOCIATION OF METHANE HYDRATE IN SÉDIMENTS Abstract This work is sponsored by TotalFinaElf IFREMER IFP GDF and CNRS 1 In this paper we give a short presentation of the project ForDiMHyS which consists of experimental studies and model establishment (or development) of the kinetics of FORmation and Dissociation of Methane Hydrates in Sediments. We focus on the details of the experimental set-up which is newly specially designed for this study in the preliminary step of the project. The four French academic teams and two Ph.D. theses are involved