
A wide review of field experience on Sour Weight Loss Ccorrosion (SWLC) is summarized in this paper, from 127 distinct<br>field cases documented either from in house experience or external sources covering oil and gas producing facilities, wells and<br>surface facilities. This gives access to a large practical background and to quantitative information which allows better<br>documenting corrosion rates, discriminating corrosion factors and lastly recommending consistent mitigation solutions.<br>It is shown that SWLC is frequently much lower than Sweet corrosion in comparable operating conditions except for the H2S<br>content. Unfortunately there are specific and still not easily predictable conditions which may lead to very severe localized<br>corrosion. Although quite rare, these cases are impressive as corrosion rates are currently above 10 mm/yr, even in apparently<br>mild conditions.


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