
In 2003 the newly developed theory and an algorithm for the calculation of the EKE effect was presented at SAGA.<br>Since that time the progress in further developing the method of electrokinetic sounding was as follows:<br>1. New software for the mathematical modeling and interpretation of EKE in Matlab was written. It allows improved<br>visualization, more accurate and faster calculation of the EKE effect in a multilayered media.<br>2. The instrument TSICL-5, intended to the TDEM method was adjusted to allow for the additional measurement of the<br>EKE effect. Supplementary to the basic receiver an external amplifier with an input connection designed for a matched<br>impedance of the ground electrodes or porous pots for the electric signal was built and fitted to the instrument. An external<br>trigger device fitted to the receiver converts the geophone pulse to run the software. The software was also altered<br>to display the recorded seismo-kinetic event. The set up of the receiver is done automatically (calibration) before the<br>actual measurements take place.<br>3. Laboratory and fields testing of the instrument and software has showed not only a principal possibility of the registration<br>of EKE, but very stable and repeatable signals.<br>4. The EKE soundings were recorded along a profile (approximately 200 m in length) on the farm Horseback, close to<br>Cullinan. This profile was repeated twice. Along one part of the profile no considerable EKE signals were recorded but<br>the opposite end shows very strong EKE signals with amplitudes of the order of a few millivolts. This signal is very<br>well correlated from sounding to sounding. The strong signals coincide, according to the farmer to a local spring located<br>in this area. The interpretation of collected data was done using the newly developed software. Field result<br>showed that the EKE anomaly is associated with water saturated sediments located at a shallow depth of 3 -4m. The<br>predicted permeability of the water saturated layer is to be ~20-30 D.<br>The obtained results show that the EKE method can be successfully used for searching for groundwater at very<br>shallow depths. It is very important because most of the other geophysical methods cannot be used for this type of hydro<br>geological problem.


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