
Since composite wave barriers were suggested by Biagi et al. (1990), Leung et al. (199(l), Its<br>and Lee (1993a) to increase the screening efficiency for protection of buildings from groundtransmitted<br>vibration, several theoretical and experimental studies were conducted to analyze<br>scattering of surface waves at various models of the barriers. In particular, 3D physical ultrasonic<br>experiments were carried out (Its, Anisimov, and Lee; 1998) to study Rayleigh wave<br>scattering at a narrow vertical anisotropic slab embedded between two isotropic blocks. These<br>experiments were designed to analyze the surface wave in the far-field zone. The experimental<br>scattering coefficients were compared with the theoretical results obtained by the Green’s<br>function method (Its and Lee; 1993b, 1994). In this paper we report the results of ultrasonic<br>experiments which were designed for the near-field zone. The same model of the anisotropic<br>barrier as in (Its, Anisimov, and Lee; 1998) was used, but the profiles were shot in a wavelength<br>vicinity as well as inside the slab.


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