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Localização De Camadas Condutoras Com Arranjo Dipolo-Dipolo Magnético No Domínio Da Freqüência
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, 6th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society, Aug 1999, cp-215-00087
A method to localize conductive layers in a horizontally stratified media is presented in this paper. A loop-loop<br>system is assumed to stay on the earth surface, here modeled as a conductive half-space hosting a more<br>conductive layer as inhomogeneity. The transmitter is a vertical magnetic dipole and the receiver can measure<br>both vertical and horizontal magnetic field components (Hz and Hr, respectively) in the frequency domain.<br>The influence of the inhomogeneity on the magnetic field has been calculated through a detectability function Δ.<br>Using the parameters related to the extremals of Δ and their analysis of stability under variations of size and<br>conductivity contrast, it was possible to find the position of the inhomogeneity’s center corresponding to the<br>maximum influence in the measurements. Such a position is defined as main zone center. Best results were<br>obtained through Hr amplitude.<br>The main zone center was found to be po = 0.16 r, where r is the transmitter-receiver separation. Using this<br>result, it was drawn a plot of maximum values of Δ, calculated through Hr amplitude, versus po. Such plot<br>indicates the conductivity distribution in a 1D earth, and the extremals of the curve correspond to the center of<br>the more conductive layers. The maximum error in this method is about 30 %. The curves so drawn can be very<br>helpful to electromagnetic data interpretation because they are very similar to the well-known apparent<br>resistivity curves, largely used for electric and magnetotelluric interpretation methods.