
Annually, billions of gallons of water are lost through seepage within irrigation networks, therefore it is of critical importance to characterize seepage patterns along the canals and water ways. Water scarcity in semi-arid and arid regions calls for water conservation best management practices. El Paso is located in south bound of Chihuahua desert, where the local irrigation district operates and maintains unlined canals and laterals to deliver the Rio Grande water for agricultural irrigation. This project utilized Continuous Resistivity Profiling (CRP) techniques (two different multiple channel resistivity meters the “OhmMapper” and the “Super Sting R8”) to survey soil profiles below canal beds. This paper presents survey results along two half-mile sections of the Franklin Canal during the non-irrigation and irrigation seasons. the survey presented here shows a correlation between resistivity, grain size and water seepage along the canal. these research findings will provide valuable Information that can help the irrigation district develop best management strategies to conserve water and secure water supply for sustainable community development and economic growth.


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