oa Basement Characterization for Block 18, Yemen
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, GEO 2010, Mar 2010, cp-248-00218
In the fractured basement play of Block 18 a granitic basement is expected to have the best reservoir<br>potential and the basic igneous rocks (diorite/gabbro) the least reservoir potential. The basement<br>lithologies of Block 18 may be divided into three reservoir facies, i.e. granite, metamorphic and basic<br>igneous which are likely to be lateral extensions of basement outcrops. Block 18 basement lineaments<br>are expected to form complex networks and have developed over a number of phases. Local basement<br>variations are influenced by a number of factors including basement lithology, the present day stress<br>field and tectonic factors associated with rifting in the basin.<br>2.5-D integrated gravity and magnetic modeling and enhancement techniques resulted in an improved<br>definition of the basement. We identified basement blocks and fault zones and proved the<br>heterogeneity of the basement in Block 18. We identified igneous bodies within the sedimentary<br>section and highly magnetic structures within the basement. Based on the modelled densities and<br>susceptibilities, we are able to classify the basement types as generally granitic in the south, as likely<br>metamorphic in the central north and as partly basic igneous in the northwest.<br>Based on the results from seismic, gravity & magnetics, existing wells and regional geological studies<br>two new wells were drilled. The results from these wells fit with our studies and analyses in terms of<br>structure and lithology as well as type and direction of fractures. We will present a summary of the HC<br>shows in these wells.