
Much information is contained in the seismic reflectivity signal. The discernment between signal and<br>noise, and the reduction of ambiguity of these signals is a major technical challenge. Interpreting lithology<br>solely on normal seismic reflection strength has been well recognized to have pitfalls. This paper sets a case<br>history of coaxing the subtle relevant data out from the seismic signals by means of an intelligent integrated<br>approach.<br>It is current industry standard, with the availability of fast cost effective computer systems and data<br>storage, to have outputs of a number of seismic data versions besides the traditional full stack seismic data.<br>The ability to cohesively analyze all the available data in a timely manner makes the difference on the<br>economics of petroleum exploitation from exploration through to the development phase. The result of each<br>separate analysis should also converge for the deductions to be considered valid for interpretation.


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