oa Case Study — PETRONAS Applies Robust Evaluation and Analysis in D18 Full-field Review
- Publisher: European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers
- Source: Conference Proceedings, PGCE 2004, Dec 2004, cp-259-00019
See the work-in progress of a full-field review on one of the most geologically complex fields in Southeast Asia. The Dl 8 Full-Field Review project is a partnership between Petronas Research and Scientific Services (PRSS) and Landmark Consulting & Services. Combining PRSS’ local geology and project management expertise with Landmark’s geoscience and engineering capabilities, this joint team performed a complete reinterpretation of existing data, followed by the development of a sound depositional model based on interpretation of several cores and 3D seismic data. The conclusion? The Dl 8 field is much more complexly faulted than previously conceived, requiring robust evaluation and analysis. The fluid contacts were analyzed and predicted throughout the field, aided by several RFT data points and extensive material balance studies, which also helped reconcile production data, establish STOIIP and determine the main reservoir drive mechanisms. A tentative high-resolution sequence stratigraphy model was developed that is consistent with regional Sarawak geology and stochastic geo-statistical methods were applied to build the static model. Main reservoirs have been located in two progradational units of transgressive systems tract, capped by a regional maximum flooding surface. Geophysical atthbutes analysis coupled with a sound geological model helped in assessing in-place hydrocarbon volumes with possible upside potential for the field. This project is expected to be completed on schedule in December 2004.