
O18 - 01 SEISMIC MODELLING & INTERPRETATION S-WAVE CODA Q ESTIMATES FOR THE REGIONS OF FETHİYE-BURDUR BÜYÜKMENDERES AND ANTALYA GOLF-AKŞEHİR IN SW TURKEY Şakir Şahin 1 Murat Erduran 2 Ömer Alptekin 3 Özcan Çakir 2 Timur Tezel 2 1 Süleyman Demirel University Department of Geophysical Engineering İsparta Turkey 2 Karadeniz Technical University Department of Geophysical Engineering Trabzon Turkey 3 İstanbul University Department of Geophysical Engineering İstanbul Turkey Summary S-wave crustal quality factors are estimated as a function of frequency at varying lapse times. Two different methods are utilized. The first method that results the coda-wave quality factor Qc is based


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